My Dear Angel,
When, You Are With Me,
Supporting Me, Standing By Me,
In Each & Every Ups & Downs,
I know, That My Mental Burden is less
Because of Your Presence!!!!!!
When You Are All Alone,
Feeling As Though, You Are Lost,
As A Lost Ship, In Mid-Sea,
I Am Always, There To Extend My Hand
Towards You, To Hold U, Bring You
Closer To Me, & Hug You Tightly,
Making You Feel Warm & Protected :D
I Am Like A Candle, Offering You A Brightness,
When You Come Across Such Uncertainties.....
I Am Your Protector, Protecting You,
Making You Feel Secured,
By Placing Your Head On My Chest,
By Placing One Hand on Your Hair,
Another On Your Back!!!!!
I Am Always There For You,
My Shoulders Are Your Pillows,
My Chest Is The Place For You To
Hide Your Face, When You Are Depressed :D
When Your Tears Flow Down The Cheeks,
Would Wipe It Off, By Cherries :)
My Sweetheart,
My Heartbeat,
My Darling Baby,
My Sweet Dare Devil,
I Love You A Lot Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Heartbeat,
My Darling Baby,
My Sweet Dare Devil,
I Love You A Lot Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Entered Into My Life As
A Friend, & Finally Became
My Special Friend.......
Wish You Remain As Special Friend Forever :)
Ohhh God!!!!!!!!!
Thanks A Lot For Sending Me,
A Life Supporter,
A Care Taker,
A Protector In The Form Of An ANGEL :D
A Care Taker,
A Protector In The Form Of An ANGEL :D
Ps :- This is Just an imaginary poem :D I mentioned with the bond & closeness of Special Friends :D This poem is composed, on the assumption that, a guy is sharing his feelings towards a girl :D
As uusual an excellent poem with word content to match. a joy to read.
Yvonne :- Thanks a Lot :D
dear wat an imagination....realy gud...loved it sweetheart...:)
Thanks A Lot Dear Sowmya :D
You know how to make your readers smile! You are light in this blogosphere! Hugs!
Kelly :- Thanks a Lot Dear :D Hugs!!!!!!!!!
hey really its fantastic........!!!!! hope i will get such wonderfull poems again n again..
Shubha :- S Baby!!!! Surely wil come up with many more poems :D
Hello Dear,
Lovely poem, once again portraying your emotions in the choicest words. I loved it……………..
Keep writing such TOUCHING STUFFS……………..
Keep visiting my blog, your comments r really precious 4 me.
Keep Smiling………….
Blue Moon :- Thanks a Lot for your compliments Dear :D
Hugs!! Take Care!!!!!!!!!!!
once again a lovely poem........ lovely imagination :) liked a lot....
keep writing more n more :)
tak careeeeeeee
Chinnu :- Thanks a Lot Dear :D Surely Will Come up With Many More Such Poems :D Take Care!!!!!!!!
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