Please send my friend an angel.
Send her one of mine;
A loving and caring one,
The best that you can find.
Please send my friend an angel,
And trust her with its care;
Someone or something for her to love,
And to always be there.
Please send my friend an angel,
One to help her fill her days;
With hope, love, and laughter,
And the warmth of sunshine rays.
Please send my friend an angel -
You know she gave me one of mine.
Please send her down an angel;
A true friend's hard to find.
This Poem is Dedicated to my Special Friend,
Friend from past 17yrs,
A Life Supporter
A Caring Soul
Affectionate Heart
She is Sowmya :)
A Life Supporter
A Caring Soul
Affectionate Heart
She is Sowmya :)
ahhhhh!!!! Hope Sowmya reads & comment :D
Seems she has not still!
S, yet she has to c :D
tooooooooo lovely.... I thnk sowmya ll hav happy tears in her eyes after readin this... so sweet of u....
Thanks a Lot Dear :D
dear i love u lot.....am happy.....kavya ur ryte hppy tears in my eyes....i thnkfull 2 god...he hs given such a gud, lovin frnd fr me...miss u dear....cum 2 blore soon... want 2 c u....
Sowmya :- Darling Baby, Thanks a lot for accepting small token of all and for such a sweet compliment :D Even, I am also blessed & thankful to God for giving such a loving supporting friends, like You, Kavya, Bhanu :D
no words 2 xpress dear....:)
yes dear... we al r lucky 2find one another :) hope we'll stay same forevr :)
yup dear sure....v'll sty....:):)
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