Your little girl looks up to you
Wherever you may go
You're not just my father,
Dad, you're my hero
You have been there
Since I was a kid
You know everything I said
And everything I did
Whenever I need you
You always understand
I've always thought you were perfect
With the world in your hands
It never matters what it is
Whatever I say or do
You are always there right by my side
With my problems I always come to you
I could never keep anything from you
Nor could I ever lie
When I tell you all my faults
You never ask me why
Happy, Sad, Depressed, Upset
You've been there for all the moods
You've somehow learned to put up with
Some of my know-it-all attitudes
In my eyes you are always right
Never are you wrong
Somehow you have this thing with me
Where we always get along
When I am upset, or mad at the world
You know exactly how to respond
That's because you are my dad
With that certain special bond
You know exactly what to say
When my life is a complete trauma
And when my friends mess my life up
With there silly little drama
You know doing things wrong
Really isn't my style
I know in bad situations I'm in
Your phone number is all I have to dial
I have always talked to you
Your trust is what I confide in
Dad, you're like my brother
you're something I have to abide in
When i hate myself for something
And just wished that I could die
I know your shoulder is always there
Just for me to cry
Dad, you are my best friend
Something I always can look up to
I said I'd always be your little girl
And that's exactly what I'll do
I know you have to let go of me,
as the years go by
But dad, that's not such a bad thing
But you know when I have trouble
in my life
I'll always fly right back underneath your wing
No matter if we argue or disagree
or whatever we may do
Dad, you're my hero
And never forget that I Love you!!!!!
This is a brilliant poem from a daughter to her dad. I know my own daughter felt exactly the same about her dad and with me was with him when he sadly passed away. He always called her "Daddy's Little Girl". I think there is always a special bond between father and daughter, sadly mine died when I was three and I know I lost a good friend throughout my life.
Once again well done. I felt very moved.
Love this poem so much. It speaks to my heart. I miss my Dad and feel the spirit of this poem. Dads are wonderful!
i loved the part when you said" in my life
I'll always fly right back underneath your wing" it captured the meaning really well
@ Welcome :- Very Sorry.....I am speechless....S, We do ve some special bond between daughter and father :)
@ Yvonne :- Thanks a Lot :)
@ Septembermom :- U r correct.....Dad's are Wonderful.....Thanks a lot :)
@ Marie :- Thanks a lot for dropping by and for a sweet comment :) keep visiting :)
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