This is my entry for Chicken Soup for the Indian Entrepreneur's Soul.

For summer
vacations, I always go to my grandmother's place to spend some time with her as
well as to enjoy few days in my village, walk around the mango fields and the
nature which embraces me gracefully beyond my own imagination. During my summer
vacation I peacefully enjoy the train journey. Some Four months back itself, I
book my ticket and make sure, I spend complete two months with my grandmother,
who brought me up, took an excellent care of me. I was extremely excited to
meet grandma after one year and I started dreaming about my grandma. My tongue
slips out on its own for her preparations of all delicious dishes, for which
I'll always be most eagerly waiting to taste ranging from Sweet, Sour, Bitter &
Spicy. She is the one who always support me for all
my mischievous activities & save me from my parents
scolding’s. After saving me, grandma always used to taunt me saying, you have
such a sweet name Shanti, which means Inner Peace, but you are always restless
Shanti. I just hug & Lay my head on her Lap. As an Interruption to my
dreams & memories, something Strange happened in my train journey, which I
had never ever even imagined it would ever happen. Though everyone feels that,
it’s something casual about a meet with my long lost friend, I always say to
myself that, it all happened which was already decided by God, As I always
believe in Fate & Luck!
Shanti, How come you are here? asked Sadhana. Sadhana, Hi Dear, how is you? I'm
fine. ohh my god, I couldn't believe whether I am hallucinating or seeing you
in reality? Hugged each other & exchanged smiles. After few minutes of
silence, I resumed conversation. Sadhana, how come you are here? Why you didn't
inform about your sudden quit after 5th class? Why did you leave the school?
What happened? She kept smiling without answering any of my questions. Finally
she took a breath & said Shanti, you are still a chatterbox! ohh ya, I'm
sorry. I'll shut my mouth for a while & you please answer me Dear.
Sadhana, as her name says, she was always chasing her dream to achieve as a
Dancer, which just passed my lens seeing her hand movements while conversing.
Shanti, as you know, I'm an orphan. But, being an orphan was never a Hindrance
for me to achieve & realise who I'm? I had to quit school after 5th class,
as I didn't had any penny to pay for my school fees. School people, didn’t even
permit me to write my exam. I was totally desperate & depressed about
myself. I did all odd jobs which I could ever have done after becoming an
Adult. But, since money is the main culprit for all the achievements I was
forced to work day & night. Morning I worked as flower seller, During Noon I worked as
an assistant cook & cleaner at a dancer Kalavati aunt's house & by
5pm-7:00pm I used to work in playmate to take care of few kids,
which meagerly would fetch me Rs.1500/-pm. Then, in the night I used
to practice few dance steps which I always observed in Kalavati aunt's house. So,
somehow I would live with one meal a day, as Kalavati aunt used to feed me
lunch & evening tea.
fine day, Kalavati aunt's daughter, Shalini who was very kind & caring
approached me, asking if I could teach her toughest subject Mathematics. I
prayed God & tried solving few problems & finally I understood
mathematics trick & taught her. I felt it as a Miracle Shanti. I was
totally in tears thanking God, who is my only guardian. That very moment,
Kalavati, aunt came and asked about my tears. Her cute daughter Shalini told
her mother, that, Sadhana made mathematics as my ever best friend mom. Kalavati
aunt thanked me & asked about my level of education. I told her that I
was forced to quit my school after 5th class due to financial issues, she
felt very bad & asked If I'm interested in joining the school &
resuming my studies. I jumped with happiness & again Thanked God
without whose grace, I wouldn't have got such an encouraging, understanding,
Loving & caring Kalavati aunt who gave me work and also because of her
Moral Support, I cleared scholarship exams & my entire education fees
was paid by an NGO. Today, I have A BA [Psychology] in my Hands.
Sadhana, you are really a Gem & I'm extremely happy for you Dear. Your
Self-Determination, Effort & Hard-work paid you well in each step
of your life. What about your dance dream then? Shanti, Kalavati aunt, herself
taught me dance and I was regularly practicing it. After my BA, I joined a firm
as a Consultant, and during one of the entertainment shows, I performed
Bharatnatyam. I Got a Standing Ovation & One of the audience, Mr.Raman
approached me, asking about my dance teacher & asked me, If I could
Dance In a Charity Show for Deaf & Dumb, for which I happily agreed
& from that show My life flourished with unbelievable experiences of
rainbow colors in each step of my life Shanti.
I'm speechless about your achievements Dear. The achievement of your life is
beyond anybody's Imagination. Shanti, during our school days, you always would
comfort me with your most miraculous words Fate & Luck & they
really proved as a miracle in my life Dear. Sadhana, Wish You All the Very Best
Success, May God Always Bless You with Colorful, Ever Flourishing Life Dear. My
Sincere Heartfelt Thanks To God, Kalavati Aunt for teaching you ever graceful
art of dance, Shalini who made you realise you still are Mathematics expert as
you were in those school days, and finally I thank that Gentleman, Mr.Raman who
approached you for a dance show. You are truly an Inspiring woman for many
youngsters Dear. Your life motivates many upcoming girls, whom we don't even
personally know! I'm extremely very proud of you Dear :)
smiles, hugged each other & Sadhana screamed with excitement saying,
Shanti Train has already halted & it’s 9:00am. We have reached our
villages. Ohh My God Sadhana, are you also from this Vishram village? Since, we
both were so much lost in our talks, we didn't even realise when it turned dark
& shined as early morning! Finally relishing tea in a nearby tea stall,
exchanged our numbers, email ID's & there I finally saw my grandmother
waiting for me. I Introduced Sadhana to my grandmother and grandmother took me
& Sadhana home.
jumped overjoyed, when Sadhana told me that, she has opened a dance school in
our village “Vishram” to train, under-privileged kids. Sadhana had wholeheartedly
welcomed Kalavati aunt to inaugurate her dance school named, “Kalakshetra”,
prefixing her dance teacher’s name “Kalavati”.