Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Prayer of A Lady!!!!

Everyone Had Flown Off
Somewhere In Deep Thoughts
Thoughts Which Destroyed
Everyone's Peace.

All of A Sudden,
Just Like A Volcanic Eruption
Heard A Scream....A Loud Scream
Which Killed Fragile Hearts of Thousands!!!!!!!

Whose Scream Was It Was ? This Story Tells Us :-

A Young Girl, Who Grew Up Very Independently With Her Parents Guidance & Support, Never Wanted A Downfall In Any Aspect of Her Life. She Herself Was Too Strong, That, Nobody Could Shake Her. Everyone In Her Family Respected Her, Because of Her Strong & Excellent Morale Values,  Self-Discipline, Self-Respect. Her Nature & Her Appearance, Used To Say That, She Is Totally A Self-Centered Lady For Those, Who Met Her For The First Time.

As Days Passed By, She Was Offered A Promotion In Her Work-space.  She Was A Very Hard Working, Sincere Lady. Everybody Who Worked With Her, Never Said No To Her Words, As She Supported, Guided, Trained Them Well In All Aspects of  Tasks & Even Guided Those Who Dared To Share Their Broken Heart With Zero Peace of Mind.

One Fine Day, During Her Seminar, She Felt A Severe Pain In Her Heart. She Just Neglected, Assuming It Could Be Related To Gastric Problem. For Few Minutes She Felt Too Weak. Later, She Announced For Five Minutes Break From Seminar. She Sipped Few Drops of Water & Started Hearing Some Weird Knocking Sounds of Her Nerves, Veins, Bones, Muscles, As If They Are Badly Hit By Hammer.

As She Was On The Diaz, She Just Took A Deep Breath To Make Herself Feel Better. But, Unfortunately, Her Windpipe, Lungs, Heart Blocked Her To Inhale & Exhale. She Totally Lost Control On Her Body.She Appeared Normal For Everyone Present There As, Mentally She Was A Very Strong Woman. That, Very Moment She, Thought of Her Almighty And Parents. She Prayed Almighty, Ohh Lord, Kindly Give Me Strength, Patience, Courage & Peace To Stand On And To Complete My Seminar As, I Don't Want To Stop This Seminar Abruptly.

But, That Very Moment, Almighty Fulfilled Only ONE of Her Prayer Amongst The Four[Strength, Patience, Courage And Peace]. The Very Next Moment of One of His Blessings, She Sat Down Supporting To The Wall With A Smiling Face. Nobody Could Notice Anything Wrong In Her. But, That,Was The Last Moment Her Students, Colleagues, Parents, Friends, Near & Dear One's Saw Her Alive!!!!!!

Yes, Almighty Answered PEACE Amongst Four of Her Prayers. She Breathed Her Last Silently Without Showing or Sharing Her Pains. After Four Minutes, Everybody Came Back To Their Seats. Her Assistant, Approached Her To Seek Her Permission To Announce The Completion of Five Minutes. As Assistant Touched Her Shoulder, Her Body Fell On The Diaz....Everyone Present Their Couldn't Believe Their Eyes & Unable To Control Themselves, Screamed So Loudly For Loosing Their Ever Time Favorite Trainer!!!!! This Brought A Volcanic Eruption To The Hearts of Hundreds of Her Students!!!!!!!  

PS :- Dearies, Creativity Is Back On Her Writing Track. Missed All Your Blogs. And, Thanks A Lot For Your Encouraging Compliments For The Previous Post, "Wanted Answers"


  1. Nicely written poignant tale! Keep writing:)

  2. Sad way to find peace I think.. but perhaps the only way too. Cheers n good to see u back.


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