Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wanted Answers!

What Do I Write ?
From Where To Start And End ?
How To Write ?
And, When To Write ?

Are The Unanswered Questions
Which Keeps On Flowing In My Mind

How To Find The Answers ?
And How To Get Back To
The Track of Sharing Poems & Articles?

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Compliments For The Previous Post, "A Dream".


  1. This is a common phase of writer’s life. Look around, observe, visit some prompt sites and let your creativity flow. You will surely get back to your track. All the best! (Am I preaching?:))

  2. I usually write what have happened in my life and places I have visited.

    Loved your questions, we all go through this at some point.


  3. After a long time..

    Nice read!


  4. Don't worry , It happens for every one of us.. I too stopped for quite sometime, and thought i could never write in English.. Just keep commenting , you will get in the track..

  5. U r not seen these days re.. fine, nice to see u back..

    why so many qsns.. close ur eyes.. mostly questions get clarified..;)

  6. a lot of questions out there...
    the only answer to them is that you'll always have questions questions never end....
    and the sense of wonder an awe shall remain till the very end...

    hope u get answers to a few...
    wish that the mystery prevails ;)

  7. Don't think much, just lift your pen and let it glide on the bare page. Words will form by itself.

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  9. Exam Papers
    found an interesting
    post after a long time.
    Enjoyed the poem.
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