Friday, June 1, 2012

My Twinkling Sucess!!!

Silent Night
Drifted off My Fear
Filled Me With Peace
And, Brought A Smiling Face. 

Many Waves Hit Me, As If A Series of Oceanic Thoughts Hitting The Sea Shore. I Knew, I Couldn't Sleep In A Relaxed State. I Hugged My Teddy So Hard That, All Its Stuff Bursted Out. I Need A Break, Said My Sub Conscious Mind. But, When And Where Do I Get A Break ?? 

I Climbed Stairs, Standing Near A Pillar, Stared Continuously At Stars, Assuming Those Bright Illuminated Stars, May Bring A Torch Light, Into The Dungeon of Thoughts. But, I Terribly Missed............ Missed Those.........

Missed Those Minutes of Airy Messages
Missed Those Moments of Happiness
Missed Those Seconds of Love
Missed Those Milliseconds of Airy Kiss.

Finally, Came Back To My Couch. Closed My Eyes & Tried To Recollect Those Captured Images of Stars. Finally, I Clearly Saw Few Stars, Which Appeared To Be Written As,          
Then, I Understood, As The Curtain of Fear Was Pulled Down, There Was No Space For Me To Change My Mind Set To Think In A Positive Way.Finally, 

Windy Air Washed off Negative Thoughts
Those Illuminated Stars Showed Me The Brightness of Success, 
Thereby I Forcibly Threw That Curtain of Fear
And, Heartily Welcomed Positive Thoughts!!!!!

From, This I Learn't Being Positive Will Always Embrace Us With Success :)


  1. Beautiful piece of writing and lovely pictures!

    Hold the hands of hope and optimism. They will definitely lead you to the desired success. Best Wishes!:)

  2. I'm so glad that you're back too!! Gorgeous writing here as always. Positivity is definitely the way to go :)

  3. Fabulous post,lovely photos and very inspiring words.

    Best wishes,


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