Monday, January 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Post !!!!!!!

Raising of
Toll of
Nesting Choco

This Is Not At All Enough To Describe How Much I Was Happy, Amazed, Surprised, Excited To Read And Cherish The Guests Post. 

Three Blogger's Writings Were Contagious. The Moment I Read Their Write Ups, Felt That Love & Affection of Writing A Guest Post For This "World of Poetry" .

They Decorated My Space By Their Paintings, Mystery Muse And Also Blessed My Space By A Religious Spiritual Post By Anupama :) :)

A Poem For Sowmya :- 

How Does The Mind of Artist Work ?
How Does The Artist Make Realistic Paintings ?
Blessed Indeed Are Those
Who Show The Most Beautiful
Colors To The Unreal Lives, Like Teddy Bear :) :)

Let Me Tell You All, This Painting Is Done By Sowmya. She Has Many Beautiful Amazing Paintings Which I Love The Most. 

Painters Paint
With  Atmost
Love & Affection
With Their Colors, Pencils,
Water Colors, Different Brushes. 
That's What They Need The Most :) :) 

Stare At The Painting
How Realistic It Is!
The Love of Teddy
Its Love For Flowers
Its Smile, Its Look
Mesmerize Me!

It Looks As
If The Teddy
Is Curiously 
Waiting For Someone
And Want To Meet Immediately.
Beautiful Lovely Teddy :)
I Love You!!!!!!!!

Sowmya, Thanks A Lot For Such A Beautiful Inspiring Write Up About The Girl's Painting For The 299th Post. Thanks A Bunch Dear. Hugs!

If Anybody Missed Sowmya's Post, Kindly Click Here. And Here Is The Link To Her Blog, "Reflections".


Leo's  Mysterious Muse. Majority of The Bloggers Know Leo. Leooo Recently Completed 1000s Posts. His Regularity, Frequency of Posting Itself Tells His Liking Towards Blogging. 

Understanding of
Readers Mind.

Only Those
Entries Which
Teach Morals In Different Ways!!!!!!!

Leo, Thanks A Lot For Such A Fantastic Write Up, The Mysterious Muse For 300th Post. To Read Leo's Post, Kindly Click Here. Here Is The Link For Leo's Space. "I Rhyme Without Reason" .

Anupama's TILGUL GHAYA GODD GODD BOLA!!!!! [Its A Say In Marathi Language].

TIL Means Sesame Seeds
GUL Means Jaggery
GHAYA Means Eat/Ate
GODD GODD Means Sweet Words
BOLA Means Said.

Eat Sesame Seeds Along With Jaggery & Talk Sweetly. Use Good Pleasant Sweet Words. Its The First Festival of Each Starting Year In India !!!!!!!! And Thats Called In Different Names, Makara Sankranthi, Pongal, Lohri. To Know Much About The Festival, Kindly Read Anu's Blog. Here Is The Link. She Has Described Very Well About The Festival And Also The Customs & Traditions Followed In Different States By Different Set of People :) Anu, Thanks A Lot For Such A Beautiful Fantastic Post :) :) Your Post Made My Day!

Anu Dear, Thanks A Lot For Such A Divine Post For 301st Post :) :) I Really Extremely Liked Your Post.  Here Is The Link of Anu's Post In My Blog.

Anu Is Active
Minds of
A Huge Set of People. 

Anu Is An Excellent Amazing Writer. She Writes In All Styles. Each & Every Post of Hers Has Different Meaningful Morals Which Are Easily Adaptable For One's Life. She Is A Great Inspiration. Each & Every Post of Hers Inspires, Motivates, Encourages Me! 

On Jan10th, She Called Me In The Early Morning, Wished For My Birthday & That Was The Moment, Where I Felt Divine Presence Embracing Me With Her Divine Sayings. Even Now, I Could Hear Her Words But Couldn't Express How Much Happy & Excited I Was, To Hear Her Voice & Her Divine Blessings :) :) Thanks A Lot Anu. I'm Unable To Express The Feelings I Felt, The Moment I Heard, "Anu Here. Happy Birthday Sahana". Thanks A Lot Anu Dear :) :) Thanks A Bunch :) :) Hugs! 

Here Is The Link For Anu's "Sincerely Yours........." Blog.

I Shall Whole Heartedly Thank, Sri. Parthasarthi For Introducing Us. 

Sri. Parthasarthi Is Also A Blogger. An Excellent Writer of Short & Long Stories. Here Is The Link For "Random Thoughts" Blog. 

Well, Its Already A Very Huge Post I  Feel So. But, I Also Feel I Have Used  Very Few Words To Describe About The These Writers :)

I Whole Heartedly Thanks All My Followers For Their Constant Support, Encouragement, Motivation! 

This Is For All My Followers :- 

This Is For Sowmya, Leo & Anu :- 

 A Hugeeee Thanks To Sowmya, Leo & Anu :) :)

Special Sweets To All of You, On Crossing Third Century :) :)

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments, Wishes For All The Three Guests Posts :) :)


  1. My what an excellent post. I enjoyed everything about it, the poetry, pics the lot. Well done.


  2. Your thanks giving post takes the cake.It surpasses even the guest posts like a review outdoing the original.Beautiful way of thanking all the veteran bloggers who adorned your blog with their guest posts.Each one was different and disimilar in content,style and the feel showing the vast range of your readers.
    Keep it up Sahana and reach 400 very soon

  3. Dear Sahana,
    Good Afternoon!
    Grace Of Gratitude!
    Thanks a bunch my dear,for this wonderful Thanks Giving Post!It's simply amazing!
    Your kind and loving words made my day!Dear,I wanted to call you at midnight to ish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    I am good at giving surprises!:)
    I can realte so well with your religious beliefs.I always loved chatting about my temple visits and feelings with you.I love your enthusiasm and cheerfulness!
    We were destined to come across each other.God chose Partha as the mediator.
    Dear,I must appreciate the time you have spent,
    The good and loving thoughts about us,
    The good will you have to make others smile,
    Receiving the roses and the hugs,
    Let me hug you,dear!
    Sahana,keep writing.......
    You have the right way with words,
    Let them touch the masses!
    Convey my best wishes to your family,
    And let your parents know that,
    You are their pride and,
    They have named you rightly!
    This is a real pleasant surprise,
    Someone far away likes me a lot!
    Wishing you Good Luck and Bright Future,

  4. what a beautiful post! amazing images and poems.
    enjoyed it very much
    thank you

  5. Wow!! Sahana
    so so lovely touching words
    and all so true :-)
    You deserve it all ....

    ((hugs)) Anya

  6. Hi Sahana,

    Even if I am not so regular, at least I was able to read this very nicely written tribute to all great bloggers and friends you have. Thank goodness they are our common friends, most of them to say the least!

    Thanks and happy belated birthday and happy 300th post. I will surely and come and read each one of them when I have the luxury of time my dear!

    Sorry for being not around for so long...I am very preoccupied with some concerns back home lately...:)

    Anyways I am here to greet you and hope to see another 300 posts and many more to come!

    Hugs and love,


  7. Hello Sahana,

    Wonderful post with fantastic writing and colorful photos.

    You have come a long way.You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Best wishes,


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