Friday, January 21, 2011

Sunrise !!!!!!!!!!!

A Beautiful Sight
Wonderful Delight
That's The Bright Light

The Light Which, 
Embrace Us In Its Rays
And, Rise Up Our Eye-Lids
Sharpen Our Brain
To Always Be Positive. 

Each Morning Starts
With The Sunrise
That's The Blessing We
All Could See & Experience. 

A Common Sight 
A Familiar Sight 
A Beautiful Sight 
For Which, I Wish To Always Have A Proper Eye-Sight !
Though Sunrise Is Regular
I'm  Never Irregular 
To See And, Relish
The Beautiful Amazing Sunrise :) :) 

Our Day Starts With It
Our Day Goes Well
When There Is Natural Light
To Always Have A Good Eye-Sight :) 

I Love Sunrise
I Always Wish To Climb
High Up On The Mountain
And, To Just Stare At His Beautiful
Graceful Peaceful Kind Rays
Embracing The Entire Environment !!

Even, The Birds Chirps
And They Are So Happy
When They Are On Their Flight
During The Warm Embrace of The Sun ! 

PS :- The First Image of Sunrise Is A Painting Done By My Cousin Sister, Deepthi.

PPS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Wishes And Compliments For The Previous Post, "Thanksgiving".


  1. beautiful painting!

    awesome post!
    I think mornings are my favorite time of day. everything is so calm with a rising invitation to enjoy your day.

    I have a photo of a sunrise on my post as well. I snapped it up one morning. couldn't believe it was that color. it almost looks like a sunset.

    enjoyed your post
    thank you

  2. A wonderful post and such beautiful pictures.


  3. I enjoyed reading the verse and the pictures

  4. You took me to a beautiful place.. a place where I always loved to be..I have now moved.. but it stays in my thoughts every morning.

    You may like to visit here..

  5. Dear Sahana,
    Good Morning!
    Beautiful drawing and wonderful words to make the readers feel the positive energy and the warmth of the sunrays!
    My Achan always used to pray the shloka praising Lord Sun!
    ''Arkka soorya....''
    The other day when I was going to Shree Ayyappa Temple,I was so amazed to watch the big hot ball of setting sun!The dark orange colour!
    An amazing visual treat!
    Hearty congrats to Deepthi!Tell her to start a blog for her drawings.They are so wonderful creations!:)
    Wishing you a beautiful sunny day,

  6. your imagery is always breath taking.

  7. Greetings, Happy Monday! Blessings…

    Friendship Awards, Enjoy!
    You truly got talent here, your poetry is unbeatable, share 1 to 3 at our week 19 potluck today..
    Thanks for the support, You Rock!


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