Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Stray Dog!!!!!!!!!

A Stray Dog
Was Struggling 
To Walk, To Stand.

I Could See 
His Immense Pain
He Was Crying Silently
Was Unable To Share 
What Happened To Him :(
After Much Scanning At Him,
I Noticed A Nail Strucked In His Foot.

I Thought of Helping Him
But, Was Scared To Go Near Him
Since There Were Many 
More Stray Dogs Surrounding Him.

But Somehow 
I Gathered Courage
Went Near Him With 
A Biscuit & A Bowl of Milk
Spoke Few Pampering Words....
He Started Wagging His Tail
I Gave Him A Broad Smile
And I Felt, He Is Friendly Now. 

But All Other Dogs
Were Starring At Me Angrily
I Was Still Scared At Them
But The One Who Was Hurt
Started Eating Biscuit In Sitting Posture
I Saw The Nail & Tried To Pull The Nail
Fortunately Nail Came Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He Was Very Happily Walking & Standing
I Could See His Relaxed Face 
After Undergoing Much Terrible Pain :) :)
At last I Felt A Friendly Faces On All Other Dogs :) :)

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks  A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "Inspiring Nature".

PPS :- I Couldn't Take The Photo of The Dog Who Was Suffering From Pain. I Didn't Had Camera With Me & I Don't Have Camera In My Cell Phone !!!!!So, The Image Attached Here Is Taken From Google. But More or Less, It looked The Same As In The Image :) :) So I Chose This Image.


  1. This is nice :) I dont think I would have had the courage to do this...but I am glad there are others who do

  2. It upsets me to see stray cats or dogs and would do anything for them.
    I loved your poem and was very near to tears, most descriptive and excellently written.

    Well done.


  3. Hello Sahana:)

    It is amazing you had the courage to go near the stray dog and pull out the nail.Very brave and kind of you.

    The dog would have really suffered without your help.

    Best wishes:)

  4. its very sad to see so much of suffering these days..people dont really care about these dogs and animals which wander on the road..

    u expressed the pain in ur words..wish the blue cross was every where...

    p.S: loved the header mickey and mini..



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