Sunday, August 22, 2010

Inspiring Nature!!!!!!!!!

Tired of City Life, A Couple Decided To Take Leave From Their Profession & Go For A Vacation To Hill Station. As Mayuri Wanted Beautiful Nature Spots & Mayur Wanted River Side Beauty For Relaxation. On The Way To The Hill Station, They Saw A Beautiful River & A Attached Wooden Plank. 

Both Got Down From The Car, And Stood Surprisingly With Still Eyes, Still Standing Posture. They Both Were Thrilled To See The Beauty They Wished To See. They Were Excited As Both of Them Could See Their Dreams Come True Simultaneously. Mayuri Could See A Beautiful Nature & Mayur Could See A Beautiful Pure River And A Attached Wooden Plank.

Both Were Very Happy Because of The Fresh Air, Fresh Nature's Fragrance, Sun's Bright Light Assuring, "Your Lives Will Be Much Brighter Than My Rays!!!!

Hugging Each Other, Holding Each Other Tightly Proceeded On The Plank & Sat On The Plank For Few Hours Silently. 

This Plank Was Their Inspiration. Even though The Plank Is Half-Broken, Its Still Has The Hope of Sustaining The Weights of Many More Couples. This Motivated The Couple To Take Up, Upcoming Opportunities, Whether They Yield Success or Failure.

Mayuri & Mayur Were Very Much Relaxed & Happy Seeing Such A Beautiful Amazing Inspiring Motivating Nature. 

Written For,
Image Courtesy :- Mjagiellicz



  1. You are one of the most talented poets and this poem was wonderful. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Lovely thought provoking poem. Have a great day!

  3. Fragrance of freshness is running through the lines…
    Loved the images too

  4. Your story is refreshing and sweet. Beautiful storytelling. P.S. I like your Mickey Mouse banner.


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