Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Star Is Equivalent To A Sister :) :)

Thank You Sis For Your
Constant Support, Care & Love.
You Are Very Much Understanding
And Your Advices Are Tremendous!!!!!

Thank You Sis For
Magnifying My Happiness
From My Smiles :) 
Magnifying My Sadness
From My Sad Facial Expression :(

Thank You Sis For
Your Guidance, Teaching 
And  For Every Minute Corrections.
You Gave Whenever I Committed 
Certain Mistakes Knowingly & Unknowingly.

When I See The Path From Which
I Came, Stood, Experienced Ups & Downs
You Were Always With Me & I Surely Know
That, You Will Always Be With Me
In A Much Secured Place, "My Heart"!!!!!!!!

In Reality, I Have Not Thanked You
Anytime, But Today, Its My Token of Gratitude
Written In Words Which Are Nothing
In Front of Your Relation With Me :) :)
Even though We Fight Like Cat & Dog,
We Are Always One :) :) 

I Love You......
Terribly Miss You......
You Are Everything To Me.....

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Stray Dog".

PPS :- Dear Bloggers, This Poem Is A Gratitude Poem Specially Written To My Sis :) :)


  1. Really lovely, I was never lucky enough to have a sister, you have a special bond. cherish it.


  2. ur sis so lucky :)...awesome words ...


  3. Hi

    I had tagged you, visit the tag here

    --Someone Is Special--


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