Friday, July 10, 2009

Lost Youth :(

A Burning Eyes,
A Blasting Head Ache,
A Bleeding Heart,
A Bleeding Soul!!!!!!

Anger Inflation,
Patience Deflation.

Arms Are No More Stretched,
Arms are themselves Tied Deeply
Connecting To My Heart,
Piercing A Knife,
A Bleeding Heart,
A Bleeding Soul!!!!!!

Heart Is Captured,
Under The Headline Of
Heavily Bleeding :(
Without Allowing A Pure Blood,
To Flow To Relieve Me From
The Pain of Sad Feeling :(

Feelings Contracted
Mood Off :(
Unable To Converse Even,
With Near & Dear One's.

Mentally Dead,
Physically Alive,
Answering To Every1's Q
as a Questionnaire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have Lots To Study,
A Loads of Assignments,
Projects.........No Time For Myself......

Feeling lonely Without
Blogging From Past 2Days.

Ohhhh God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please Help Me,

To Cope Up With The Stress,
To Manage All My Work
To Be Confident
To Be Self-Supportive
& Prove myself,
That, I'm Capable of Bearing with Elephant's Load!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps :- Hello My Near & Dear One's, My Mood is off again.....Just few days back, I had composed with Confused Mind.......Again, I'm tensed, Confused, Scared, not feeling like talking to any......many more reasons :( I myself, doesn't know the exact reason!!!!! Hope You All Definitely Excuse me, for composing such a boring poem :(

After, I shared my feeling in form of poetry, feeling quite better :) I am extremely addicted to blog, henceforth, this is the only way, I can feel better :) I really Didn't know, what can be the exact title for this poem, if any1 can suggest me the exact title, please let me know through your comments :)

I Changed The Title As "LOST YOUTH"........>Earlier, Title was, "A BURNING EYES". But Now, I changed it As "LOST YOUTH". One of the reader, suggested me this title, in comment.....I felt, this as a Perfect Title :)

The Comment Was This :-

Title will be 'Lost Youth". Mere words of the poem will not make anyone understand why this title. But you think why I said this title. Venting yr grief and -ve feelings on a blog is ok for relieving yourself temporarily but it is not a permanent solution. As long as the cause remains you wll continue to feel like this.. So the solution is to accept what is happening to you and understand why so, and then try to change it. At present things may not be under your control but then plan and work towards that ultimate goal.. try to be your maker of your own destiny. When you grow up and are incharge of your own life it will be you alone who will be responsible for ur own happiness or sadness.

And till then maybe you should try standing up sometimes and making your point known. Unless you do that external factors- people are the factors always.. maybe parents maybe friends.. maybe colleagues.. whatever.. will always subdue your free will.. They have to understand ur thoughts.. make them understand!

No use crying and lamenting.. it is all in your hands is what I wanted to say.


  1. I think it's good that you use the blog and your poetry to get out your feelings. I do the same thing. I hope that you are feeling much better. I wish that all these stressful days leave you very soon. Hugs and love, Kelly

  2. Kelly :- Thanks a Lot Dear :D S, I am feeling much better, after sharing my feelings here :D Hugs and Love to You Too!!!!!!

  3. I know from expereience that writing down ones feelings does help. Don't ever think what you write is boring, personally you wrote this very well.
    Good luck.


  4. Title will be 'Lost Youth". Mere words of the poem will not make anyone understand why this title. But you think why I said this title. Venting yr grief and -ve feelings on a blog is ok for relieving yourself temporarily but it is not a permanent solution. As long as the cause remains you wll continue to feel like this.. So the solution is to accept what is happening to you and understand why so, and then try to change it. At present things may not be under your control but then plan and work towards that ultimate goal.. try to be your maker of your own destiny. When you grow up and are incharge of your own life it will be you alone who will be responsible for ur own happiness or sadness.

    And till then maybe you should try standing up sometimes and making your point known. Unless you do that external factors- people are the factors always.. maybe parents maybe friends.. maybe colleagues.. whatever.. will always subdue your free will.. They have to understand ur thoughts.. make them understand!

    No use crying and lamenting.. it is all in your hands is what I wanted to say.

  5. Thanks a Lot For The Title as well as for Advice :) What You have said is 110% perfect :) Thanks a Ton :D


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