Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Beautiful Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Live In A Beautiful World
Called, EARTH & It Can Make Wonders!!!!!!

First On Earth Is Mother's Nature,
She Has Made Wonderful, Awesome
Creation, Which Is Loved, By Each &
Every Living Creature On This Earth!!

A Blue Sky To See With,
The Formation Of Angles,
A Rainbow During Rainy Season!!!!!!
A Fluffy White Clouds Which.
Looks Like A Snow!!!!!!!!!

A Sunny Day, To Make A Memorable
Day Out, Specially For Infants, Who cannot
Come Out In A Heavy Downpour!!!!!!!

A Rhythmic Sounds Of A Waterfalls,
Chirping of Birds, Beautify The World
And Make Us Proud!!!!!!!!!!!

A Big Round Moon & Twinkling Stars
Brights up Our Night, And Sparks,
Lovers of Nature Looking Up Above!!!!!!!!

Blue Green Ocean Has A Dark Top Secret,
Many Exotic Animals & Insects Live Deep Inside,
Which Makes Us Much More Prouder
& Motivates, Inspires Us To Visit Underneath
The Ocean, At least Once In A Life Time!!!!!!

Even The Fear some, Dangerous, Life Scaring
Volcano, Tsunami, Earthquake, Thunderstorms
Teaches Us To Be Aware Of Whatever Is Going On
Behind Or In Front of our Way!!!!!

It Also Teaches Us To Be
DARE DEVILS & Face The Dangerous
Situations Which Also Block Our Personal Life!!!!!!!!!!

To Balance Ups & Downs Of Life,
To Over Come The Difficulties,
By Looking At The Doors Opened
But Not looking At The Closed Doors!!!!

To Accept The Life As It Is,
Not To Demand More,
Not To Be Greedy,
Not Feel Depressed
Not To Get Short-Tempered
When A Situation Goes Beyond The
Limit Or Control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, To Be Calm, Cool,
Thinking Of Taking Up The Next Step
To Make A Concrete Decision,
And Shape Our Lives In A Best Way
As Earliest As Possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Beautiful Herbal Plants, Non-Herbal Plants,
Trees, Different Types Of Animals, Birds.....
Looks Fantastic, Making us Speechless!!!!!!

Last Birth Was Of The Man,
Mother Earth, Wanted Some1 To Look At Her
Appreciate Her Wonderful Creations,
To Feel Proud & To Learn How To Relate
All The Above Mentioned & Lead Our Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Earth Is Also A Kind of Infant
Which Needs Some One To Care & Love Her!!!!!!!!!!

Ps :- My Near & Dear One's, I Mentioned About The Ups & Downs Of Nature As Well!! Because, even in our Life, May Be Professional Or Personal Life, We come across many uncertainties, which make feel us depressed, making us feel that our way is blocked!!!!!!! But certain doors will be opened & should hunt for the doors opened & not to repent for the closed doors.....................

Should Not Be Greedy, Because, Any Time, Any Day, A Death Arrives To Each of The Living Creature......So Should Be Satisfied With What God Has Given & With What We Have!!!!!!

Should Be Ever Grateful As Well As Thankful To God & Nature For Giving Us Everything, Making us Feel Prouder, Brightening, Enlightening, Inspiring, Motivating us In Our Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A beautiful poem , a pleasure to read and very uplifting.
    Have a nice day.


  2. You share so much of yourself in your poetry and writing. I'm glad that I can feel inspired and comforted when reading your poetry. Enjoy your day, my friend!

  3. Very well said dear... specially those last lines... :)

  4. Kelly :- Thanks A Lot Dear!!!!!!!!!! Have A Good Day Dear!!!!!!!!! *Hugs*

  5. Deepika :- Hi Dear, Thanks a Lot Dear :)

  6. dear words...:)


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