Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dancing In The Rain :D

I Started,
Singing In The Rain,
Dancing In The Rain,
When My Umbrella Flew Away
What A Glorious Feeling,
Woww......Very Much Excited!!!!!!!!

I Deeply Love Rainy Season,
A Beautiful Smell of Soil,
A Fragrance of Roses,
A Melodious Chirping of Birds.

Peacock Dancing, With Feathers Stretched
Attracting Inspiring, Motivating
Every1 To See Its Dance & To Join Its Dance
To Gain, Immense Pleasure & Happiness :)
And A Glorious Feeling,
I'm Happy Again!!

I'm Laughing At Clouds,
So Dark, Up Above,
The Sun's In My Heart
Inspiring to take up Difficult Steps
In A Most Easiest Manner :)
To Have A Bright Life :)

Let The Stormy Clouds Chase.
Everyone From The Place,
Come On, Lets All Together
Dance In The Rain :)

And Then, Walk Down The Lane,
With A Great Pleasure,
And Singing, Lullabies :)
In The Rain :)


  1. There's much to be said for the rain, it's so refreshing especially after an extremely hot spell. I enjoyed reading your poem very much.


  2. Yvonne :- S, Rain brings many changes to a tired, depressed mind & Soul :) Thanks a Lot :D

  3. Hi there
    Very refreshing poem.nice welcome to monsoon.
    Ya I always dance in the rain but avoid doing this on the terrace.
    Liked that line "singing lullabies in the rain"
    take care

  4. So often the rain is inviting. Joyful poem!

  5. Tickled Pink :- Thanks a Lot for dropping by & for sweet compliments :D Take Care :)

  6. Hi:)


    Amazing poem with lovely word pictures. Extraordinary joy and happiness in singing and dancing in the rain. Instead of running away from the rain and staying indoors you are showing a daring courage to get wet and feel happy.

    I see this poem as an advice to face challenges of life and not run away from them. Difficulties and problems must be faced and overcome to be happy and fulfilled in life. Great achievements are possible when we weather the storms and not when we run away from them.

    I enjoyed this lovely poetry very much.

    Have a lovely day:)

  7. Joseph :- Thanks a lot for dropping by & for sweet compliments :) S, My view, was to convey the message of being Dare Devils, what all situation may arise :)

    You have exactly understood my point of view :)
    I am Really Extremely Happy :)


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