Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Strange Proposal!!

A Gentle Morning Breeze
Melodious Chirping of Birds
Regular Joggers Jogging
Some Exercising, But
THEY Just Brisk Walk In Opposite Direction!

Every Saturday Morning, Was A Special Day To Him & Her. He Used To Have Earphone All The Time TO Hear The Songs From His MP3 Player. But, She Used To Listen To Birds Chirp And Proceed Her 1Hour Brisk Walk, 30Mins Breathing Exercises....

They Met By Chance, But Didn't Know About Their Choice & Destiny. Both Used To Smile At Each Other As They Were Regular Visitors To The Park. One Fine Day, Her Friends Came Surprisingly To The Park, Wished Her, Happy Birthday Sonu! He Heard Their Chores & Joined Them, Just By A Hand Shake. 

Her Friends Started Their Interrogation Process. Then, She Started Thinking of Him. He Was Always Scared To Approach Her. But, The Occasion of Her Birthday, Gave Him A Chance To Hear Her Beautiful Voice ! 

From Then On, They Both Spent 15Minutes To Chat After Their Regular Workouts. It Was Their Special Bench, Sitting At Certain Distance Used To Share And Discuss On Various Matters. Even, The Old People, Wanted Them To Be A Couple. But, Didn't Know What Would Happen. 

As Days Flew By,  He Thought of Finally Proposing Her. It Was Almost A Year. It Was The Day Which Successfully Completed 12Months of Their Best Strong Friendship. He Planned To Surprise Her With A Bouquet. With Atmost Faith And Boundless Happiness He Entered The Park & Saw Her Sparkling Face. Taking Few Steps, Sat On Their Regular Stone Bench. His Hands Were Shaking. Lips Were Frozen.

She Bravely Wished Him, Happy Friendship Day! We Met By Chance & Became Friends By Choice. Then, He Felt Relaxed. Wished Her Back, Gave The Bouquet And Proposed Her Sitting On His Knees.

She Was Silent. Didn't Even Uttered A Word.Chirping of Birds Was No More. As If, Even The Nature Knew Their Friendship Cannot Be Converted Into Life Time Commitment To Be Partners.

After, Few Minutes, When He Asked In Shaking Tone, She Said That, She Has Got An Opportunity To Fly To US From Her MNC. This Was A Breaking News To A Tender Colored Heart! Now, Whether They Commit Or Not Is The Question, Which Has Remained Unanswered From Past Few Years!! 

There Are Many More Unanswered Questions :- 

1. Can Friends Be Life Partners ??
2. Was It A Pure Friendship ??
3. Did Any of Her Words or The Gesture Or The Posture Made Him Feel Should Propose Her ??
4. Did He Really Saw Her As A Best Friend ?? 

Dear Bloggers, Think Over & Share In The Comments Page :)

Images Courtesy :- Google

PS :- Dear Bloggers, This Is Totally A Fiction! A Cooked Story of Creativity. Was Inspired To Write This, Because of Images. 

PPS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "Life In A Train".


  1. I do so love visiting you, there are so many questions you ask mixed with some awesome poetry.
    Thanks for making this a read that was excellent.


  2. I really enjoyed reading your blogs even though this was my first time reading. I am intrigued by the questions that you ask while writing such awesome poetry!
    I will be sure to stop by more often to see what else you post.
    thanks for sharing.


  3. Dear Sahana,
    Good Morning!
    Many times images/pictures/photos have inspired me writing my posts.I am so happy you are also inspired by images.:)
    Th epictures look awesome!
    Frinedship turns to love as there is trust and love;there is nothing wrong in that.
    Going abroad need not be the reason to reject the proposal...
    Certain questions are answered by heart...the feelings arouse and one comes to know the truth....
    A friend can be a good life partner...
    Don't get so confused....
    A good and interesting read....
    Wishing you a beautiful day ahead,

  4. Wonderful read Sahana ;-)

    Enjoy your sunday !!

  5. sahana.,
    friendship can mature into love..
    and if they are friends without any secrets, they make a very good pair..
    best friends can be very good partners..true love breaks all barriers.
    and this was nice too...the post and the questions..


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