Monday, February 28, 2011

A Snake Charmer.

A Poor Fisherman Lost His Family & House And Was Very Much Depressed, Sad And Was Just Staring At The Destroyed Houses & Many Corpses. Though Few of The Images Were Blur Because of Tears Filled Eyes, His Heart Had Saved The Afraid Voices of Many Souls Who Were Screaming Helplessly & He Could Neither Help Nor Save Anybody.Lost Everything Because of The Flood.

He Started His Journey To Start His New Life. As He Was Exhausted, Entered A Temple Premises & Sat There. The Priest, Offered Him A Sweet Dish And A Glass of Water. When Questioned About His Situation, The Fisherman Narrated To The Priest And The  Priest Was Deeply Hurt & Touched By Knowing What All Happened With Him. Priest Consoled Him And Asked Him To Pray Almighty. This Man, Slept In The Temple Premises Itself. 

The Very Next Early Morning, Few Kids Came Running & Said, A Snake Was Suffering As A Thorn Was Pierced In Its Tail. The Very Next Second He Just Ran To Its Rescue..When He Saw The Serpent In Deep Pain, His Mind Reverted Back To Those Corpses & To Those Helpless Voices Who Were Howling For Help. Seeing The Serpent Moving & Crawling Restlessly To Get Freed From The Pain. He Just Prayed Almighty. Holding The Snake Tail,  Slowly Removed The Thorn, And Applied The Tulsi Paste And Asked Kids To Bring Some Milk. After Feeding Milk To The Serpent, He Was On His Way Back To Temple. But The Serpent Started Crawling Behind His Steps. 

The Priest Helped This Man, By Giving The Pungi [A Kind of Instrument Used To Entertain Serpents] & Blessed Him Saying, From Here Onwards, Your Family Is This Serpent. Take Him Along With You. Lead Your Life With This Affectionate Serpent :) 

Finally, Fisherman Got Back His Life As A Snake Charmer Because of The Serpent!!

Written For, 
Thursday Tales.
Image Source :- Here.

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "A Strange Proposal".


  1. Touching story Sahana
    but i'm very afraid for a snake :(

    (I will try about the meow from Betsie, but she does not meowwww when I ask it ...... LOL
    When she sad meow ,its very loud
    Kareltje is running away when she starts but its normal for a siamese.)
    (I must first search for my microphone ?? ...
    I will try it for you !!!)

    Have a nice evening
    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Anya

  2. poignant story..I liked the way he became a snake charmer..I have seen a snake charmer..But don't know whether my son could see one in his lifetime..

  3. Most touching, an excellent write.


  4. Most touching, an excellent write.


  5. Most touching, an excellent write.


  6. Beautiful and winning tale on the snake charmer. I enjoyed this!

  7. beautiful story! and heartwarming
    thank you

  8. ohh is he the first charmer??
    and snakes drink milk??

    but it s only a story ha?

  9. Hi Sahana,

    Very interesting story beautifully written. I enjoyed it. Very good photo.

    Best wishes,


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