Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pure Love!

Both Sat In Silence
Didn't Even Move A Bit
Just Stared At Each Other
Smiled, Cried, Laughed 
Were Confused How To React!

He Could Notice 
Her Heavy Heart 
Filled With Emotions,
She Could Notice 
The Pain He Has Felt
In Her Absence. 

Their Lips Were Sealed
But, Their Eyes Understood
Spoke Through Staring,
But Didn't Even Sigh!

He Embraced Her Tightly
She Broke Out Like
A Volcanic Eruption
Floods of Tears 
Behind His Shoulders!

He Kept Quiet 
He Said Almighty, 
God, Let Her Pain Vanish 
Behind My Shoulders. 

Let Me Not Feel Her 
Burning Tears Any More
She Is My Darling Baby
I Really Cant Withstand 
Myself When She Cries. 

She Cried For
Long Time And, 
Finally Whispered Asking, 
How Are You ??

He Happily Answered
I'm Extremely Fit And Fine
I'm Very Glad To See You 
How Are You My Darling ??

She Replied, You Are Lying. 
You Are Neither Happy Nor Fine 
I Could Notice Some Pain 
You Are Undergoing
Whats The Matter ??
Why That Pain Is Still Inside You ??

He Replied, Dear,
We Were Distant Apart
We Couldn't Share Any Matters
We Couldn't Spend Time Together.

You Cried So Much 
And I Really Can't Withstand 
When You Shed Your Tears
I Was Afraid, Worried, Tensed.

Thinking, How Will You Manage 
Yourself  With Work & Studies ?? 
My Dear Darling Daughter, 
I Extremely Love You.........
I Terribly Missed You....
Wish You Stay With Me For
At least A Year! 

She Promised of 
Not Leaving Him 
Alone Anymore
And Will Always 
Take care of Her Dad!. 

Finally With Broad Smiling Face
She Loudly Proudly Said,
Dad, I Love You A Lot. 
I Too Missed You Terribly. 

Now, Common Hug me
Embrace Me With Happiness
Filled With Joy And Boundless Blessings. 
Thereby, Both of Them, Felt Relieved From The Pain!!!!!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "Fate And Luck".


  1. So touching.

    It's good to be home again,

    Enjoy your Sunday,

  2. lovely..hope i too have a daughter some day..

  3. Very very touching lines :-)
    Yes Sahana
    i'm very proud to have two daughters
    and they both loved their father very much ... very very much !!


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