Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fate And Luck!!

 The Day Which Went Away As Though The History of Their Love Life Drifted Away With The Huge Breeze Within Fraction of Second Was Again Rejoined With The Hopes & Trust . It Was The Unexpected Day. He Thought That, She Would Reject His Proposal To Be His Life Partner.

She Was Very Much Stern, But Was Friendly At Times. He Always Used To Enjoy, Crack Jokes, Spend Some Time With Friends During Weekends. But, She Used To Stay At Home & Read Some or The Other Spiritual Book. Their Interests & Likes Were Quite Different. But, He Used To Stare At Her Whenever She Was In Front of Him During Official Meetings. Both Worked In The Same Company. She Was A Financial Analyst & He Was A Manager. 

He Unnecessarily Used To Call Her, Ask Her Some Financial Deals, Discuss With Her Various Matters......Her Reply Was Spontaneous & She Used To Explain With Different Types of Examples. If He Ask A Simple Question of 60seconds, She Used To Answer More Than An Hour. Nobody Used To Feel Bored. Everybody Liked Her Speaking Skills, Her Talents, Efficiency, Her Nature of Dealing With Customers, Working Individuals As Well As In Her Personal Life!! She Had Her Own Made Limitations & Was Always In Her Limitations. 

14th February, Valentine's Day!!!!! He Came To Office 30Mins Earlier Than The Usual Time, Which Used To Be At 9.00am. He Kept Rose Bouquet On Her Table, With A Greeting Card And A Teddy Bear Holding Chocolate Box!! She Came Sharp By 9.00 Near Her Desk. She Was Surprised To See The Gifts! She Didn't Expect Nor Gave A Thought Who Can Give Such Surprises !! 

She Immediately Called Him Up. He Was Speechless As He Didn't Expect Her Call. It Was The First Time, She Called Him !!!! Before He Could Respond, She Started Shouting, Some Idiot Stupid Foolish Person Has Kept Valentine's Day Gift On My Desk. Do You Know Who Kept It ? If You Could Find Out And Let Me Know, I Shall Kill Him, I Shall Blast Him Up, I Shall Kick & Throw Him Away!!!!! Before He Could Respond, She Disconnected The Phone. But, He Thought That, She Has Guessed That, It Is He Who Kept The Gifts On Her Desk & She Doesn't Spare Him. Even She May Give Up Their Friendship. 

All Her Friends Kept Asking Her Continuously Who Is That Person ?? It Was Very Much Embarassing For Her. He Thought of Calling Her To Her Extention Number, To Ask About The Stock Market Condition. She Angrily Said Hello, And He Said, Good Morning. I Wanted To Know The Status of Stock Market. She Replied Angrily, Will You Stop This. Every Morning, You Ask The Same Question. Are You Illiterate ? Can't You Read Newspaper & Check Online. And Abruptly Kept The Phone. His Tensions Grew Boundlessly.  He Again Called Her, Told Her He Found Out Who That Guy Was!! She Curiously Asked, Who Is He ?? Where Is He ?? I Want To Kick & Blast Him. Bring Him In Front of Me. If He Is That Much Courageous, Let Him Come In Front of Me. He Patiently Replied With A Deep Breath. You Can Meet Him After Having Lunch In The Noon. I Shall Call You Later. 

In The Noon, She Went To Have Lunch With Her Friends & He Called Her And Said, If You Had Lunch, Kindly Come Near The Gate. She Immediately Left And Reached The Said Place. He Took Her To A Nearby Restaurant & Ordered Butter Scotch Ice-cream. Still, She Was Curious To Know Who Was That Fellow !!!!

Before The Waiter Could Serve Them, He Sat On His Knee, Proposed Her & Immediately Said, Kick & Blast Me. I Am Ready For It. I Am The Culprit Who Kept The Gifts On Your Desk. She Felt Ashamed of Herself, For Asking His Help To Find Out Who Kept The Gifts & Also For Scolding Him. She Hugged Him And Said, Sorry! 

Finally, Their Love Got Registered In The History of Their Life. This Diary Was Carefully Preserved In The Locker & Once Their Daughter Read This Diary And She Was In Happy Tears Knowing Her Parents Love History!!!! She Gifted The Same To Her Parents In Their 80th Birthday! She Is Blessed Indeed To Know About Their Life From The Written Diary!!

                                                                                                                                     Written For
                                                                                                                                             Tale # 46 .
                                                                                                                      Diary Image Courtesy :-
                                                                                                               Katia Hionis at DeviantArt
Other Images Courtesy :- Google. 

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "Happy Valentine".


  1. Dear Sahana,
    Good Evening!
    It's a beautiful romatic story.I loved the pictures,specially the one of footprints.
    But why she had to lose temper seeing all the V-day gifts?
    Well written story!
    Wishing you a beautiful night,

  2. this is a wonderful story. enjoyed reading it very much. I love happy endings!

  3. Very Romantic Sahana :-)

    I am a very Romantic person
    I love your post :-)

  4. nice narration..Indeed people react differently to different situations..Unpredictable many times..

  5. Hello Sanana,

    Lovely story with wonderful photos.

    I really got frightened when she was upset and started screaming on receiving the present.

    The ending was superb.


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