Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Fall !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Snow Fall
Has Begun
A Silent Beauty 
of The Nature.

A White Snow 
And, The Blue Sky
Are Back To Their
Path of Friendship. 

I Stand And Watch 
The Snow Fall
Through My Window Pane
And Notice The Heap of The Snow
Covered Everywhere. 

I Just Dream, 
If Snow White Come
From The Heap of The Snow
I Just Ask Her To Beautify My
Building Always In Snow.

If Snow White 
Would Have Come
I Would Have 
Embraced Her
And Would Have
Asked Her To Stay With Me
Forever & Ever
As A Snow White Fairy !!!!!!!!!!!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks  A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Hope".


  1. Beautiful poem, snow looks lovely from indoors not so good out in it.
    I read this with much pleasure.


  2. lovely poem. Falling snow is beautiful


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