Sunday, December 26, 2010


When Everything In Life
Turns Black & Blue 
And Grief Blooms
Never Lose Hope
Coz, The Situation Will End Someday. 

When Bones Crack 
Couldn't Withstand
To Carry On Your Task
Never Mind, Somewhere 
There Would Be A Turning Point In Life.

Dreams May Crush
May Stop Dreaming
May Stop Hoping For The Best
But Your Situation Doesn't End.

Some Doesn't Dream
Coz, We May Not Get 
Everything We Dream
But, May Get A Part of It
But, Will Not Be Happy. 

If Anything Happens 
Unexpectedly, Then
The Happiness Which You Feel
Cannot Be Described IN Words
Nor You Could Express Yourself. 

It Would Be 
Such A Situation
Wherein, All Your
Past Happenings
Video Flash Your Mind
And Feels, How I Was ??
And,  How I Am Now :) :) 

There Would Definitely
Be A Ray of Hope
Somewhere In Our Life
But, Should Wait Patiently. 

Don't Lose Hope
Have To Move
With Baby Steps. 
To Reach Our Goal. 

Simultaneously Should 
Climb & Fall And Then,
Learn & Realize
What Is Life And,
What Is The Meaning of 
The Quote Which Says,

"Life Is Short, Enjoy The Different Tastes of Life"

Don't Degrade Yourself
Don't  Be Foolish  
To Take A Rope 
To End Your Life.

Rather Take And Hold 
The Rope of The Life
Which Gives You 
Various Opportunities
To Build A Chance To Hope.
And, To Finally Follow
The Way We Are 
Destined To BY Almighty.

Then, Wipe off The 
Experiences of The Past
Keep Aside The 
Fears of Future
Stop Revising 
The Past Experiences
Try To Build Bricks 
Across Such Experiences
And Move On.

Day By Day  And,
Minute By Minute
The Hope Starts Increasing
And, It Would Help You 
Live Stronger And Carry On The Steps. 

The Thorns 
Makes Us 
The Various
Hurtful Incidences.

The Rose Shows,
How Beautiful The Life Is
The Lotus Shows,
How The Life Bud Starts 
And Blooms Into A Flower.

Situations Will 
Not Be The Same
Life Will Definitely Change
But, Should Patiently Wait For It :) :)

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Wishes & Compliments For The Previous Post, "Merry Christmas". 


  1. Hope is the thing that keeps life going. Without hope you have nothing.
    I so enjoyed your poem, such a pleasure to read.

    Happy New Year.

  2. ohh so good rhyme...loved it completely. Thanks for sharing and the pics are so appropriate :)

  3. love the quotes!
    Great, sound advice and your poetic creativity shines through with rainbow colors.

    thank you

  4. Maybe hope is one of those unique things that separates us from other beings…


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