Friday, December 3, 2010

Service of A Postman.

He Walks Through 
Many Streets
His Day Starts At 9.00am
Ends By 5.00pm.

I Wonder How Could
He Look Fresh Even After
A Long Travel On His Foo!!!!
But, His Smiles Are His Energy Tools.

Carrying A Huge Bag Pack
Knocking The Door Twice or Thrice
And Rings The Bell & Which Alerts Us
Someone Waiting At The Door

Doggy Rushes To The Door
Little Kids Too Run Away 
Curiously, To See Who's Is It ??
Doggy Continuously Barks
Wagging His Tail. 

When I Open The Door
Friendly Pet Jumps On The Visitor
Kids Are Curious To Know First Time Visitors
I Took An Envelope Signing
On The List of The Customer's Names.

I Served A Glass of 
Cold Fresh Fruit Juice
And Said Bye Bye
I Happily Said, "Thank You"
For Your Kind Service!!!!!!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, This Post Is Dedicated To All Postmen Who Work For Our Welfare In Exchange of Vital Information or Messages.

PPS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Postman".


  1. hi sahana, thats a nice dedication...thanks for the awardss..:)

    Have nice time..;)

  2. Your site now has a very Pretty design!!

  3. ohhh good one...
    it s always a nice feeling to see a post man at the door step :D

  4. Nicely written, my friend. Glad to visit here today.


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