Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lovely Caring Tree!!!!!!!!!

How Tall  You Are
Never I Could Reach You
Never I Could Immerse 
My Eyes In The Beauty of Nests.

So Many Eagles, Cranes 
Many More Birds Fly Your Way
Rest On Your Branches
But, When And How Can I Rest On You ??

I Know, You Love To Grow Tall
To Give Cool Shelter During Summer
And Warm Shelter During Winter 
To All Your Loving Visitors.

Your Branches Are The Stretched Arms
Welcoming Each Visitor To Stay, Relax
Spend Some Worthful Time And 
Then ,Continue Flying!!!!!!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Your Previous Post, "Service of A Postman".


  1. This was an excellent poem, I once wrote a poem about a tree which won a prize, I find trees interesting to look at, watching the birds and squirrels playing in them.


  2. I love trees! so nicely written! Paying homage to a tree, i could not think of a better way to do it than with your beautiful words!
    thank you

  3. Hello Sahana,

    Very interesting poem. It is wonderful to note that a tree sparked off so much imagination and creativity in you.Yes, tree are wonderful and they are so useful.

    The problem is in the name of development many trees are cut down.In Kochi,right in front of the north railway station there is a huge sprawling tree many centuries old.But recently they have have cut off many branches of this amazing tree to broaden the road.Man is destroying nature in the name of development and will have to face the consequences in the future.Already we are facing the effects of global warming because of our carelessness.

    Best wishes,


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