Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Star Sister!!!!!!!!!

We Grew Together
We Played Enough
We Cried As Loud 
As We Could.
We Screamed Saying, 
Mom She Did It!!!!!!!!

You Sacrificed Many Things
Whenever Mom Used To
Take Us For Shopping
To Buy New Dresses,
I Wanted The One
You Selected For Yourself. 

But You Never Said No.
Instead You Used 
To Take Different Colour Dress.
I Made Many Chores...
But You Were Absoultely Silent.
I Was Doing Mischievous,
But Scoldings Were For You.

You Never Said Anything
Mom Would Understand, 
Whose Fault It Was ??
But You Would Just
Silently Sit At Corner & Cry.
I Used To Feel Bad At Myself
And Come To You & Hug You Tightly!!!!!!!!!

We Even Reached 
Ever Dreamed Everests
But Your Blessings 
And Support Was Always With Me
We Journeyed Through 
Many Troubles, Pains, Sorrows
But You Never Lost Hope, 
Instead You Always Stood By My Side.

We Used To Fight Like Cat & Dog
Used To Scream At Mom,
Mom You Don't Come Here...
It Was Our Regular Lovable 
Ritual Before Going To Bed. 

Used To Sleep Together
With A Two Huge 
Teddy Bears At Both The Ends
Used To Share Our Daily 
Chores At School, College & Work....
Days Passed By, And Finally
Your Marriage Day Approached.
Can't Forget 
The Moments We Cried
Flooded Tears, 
Our Short Hug 
Before Boarding Aircraft
Almost 4Years,
Though We Are Distant Apart
Our Hearts Are Our Connected Points!!!!!!!

I Love You Dear,
I Terribly Miss You
When I Remember Many Things
How Do I Forget August 18th 
A Special Day!!!!!!!!

Wish You A Very Very Happy Birthday Sweet Heart!!!!!!!!!

While Writing This Poem
There Were Few Drops of Tears
Those Are The Drops Saying,
I Am Very Much Happy For You!!!!!!!!

You Are My Angel
You Are My Life
You Are My True Best Friend
You Are My Star
You Are My Idol
Each of My Breath Think of You.
You Are My Most Beloved Lovable Person On This Earth!!!!!!!!!

PS :- Dearies, August 18th Is My Sister's Birthday!!!!!

PPS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Wish You All A Very Happy Independence Day". 


  1. it is very beautiful Minnie :) ur sister would be very happy reading this.. a great dedication :D

  2. Very beautiful as Leo said, infact I can't add any more,

    Well done on a spectacular poem.


  3. Happy Birthday to your sister...
    what a thoughtful, beautiful, and touching post.

  4. Happy birthday to your sister. You write so beautifully.

  5. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful gift, dear. I couldn't have wished for anything better than this poem for my birthday. I am also very lucky to have you as my sweet sis. You are an angel who has brought lots of happiness to me in my life!

    Thanks to everyone who wished me for my birthday!

  6. Hello Sahana:)

    Amazing well crafted poem written with deep feeling to your wonderful sister.

    I take this opportunity to wish your sister Happy Birthday.

    Best wishes:)

  7. a very warm and beautifuk post...
    the lovely times that you had with your sister is described very wel... I can feel that its straight from the heart :)


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