Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wish You All A Very Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!

Beautiful Sunrise
Chirping of Lovely Birds
Kids In White Dresses
Indian Flags In Their Hands. 

All Age Population
Singing National Anthem
Conveying Salutation 
To All Freedom Fighters
And Offering Prayers 
For Well Being of Our Nation. 

Many Kids Happily Dancing
Singing Many Patriotic Songs
Spreading Awareness of 
How Our Freedom Fighters
Fought For The Freedom of Our Country. 

Lets All Stand For A Moment
Salute & Respect All Our Martyrs
And With Proud & Pride Say,
Happy To Be Born As An Indian.
Mother Earth I Bow To You
For All Your Love, Care & 
For Supporting Us In All Calamities. 

Mahatma Gandhiji Always 
Stressed On Peace &Non-Violence
Lets All Bow To Such A Great Legend.
He Is Been Such A Great Idol For All Of Us :) :)

  Lets All Hoist Indian Flag Along With National Anthem!!!!!!!!

PS :- Before Winding Up This Post, Lets All Celebrate Our 63rd Independence Day :) :) 

I Would Like To Link Two Posts Here. One Is The Post Which I Had Composed For Independence In Previous Year And Another One Is From Leo's Wordpress. 

Click Here To Read Leo's Post, "The Beginning"
Click Here To Read "Salutation To Martyrs".

Leo Has Written Very Well About Conservation of Mother Earth. Leo Has Described About The Pain of Our Mother Earth. Lets All Join & Support To Conserve & Preserve Mother Earth!!!!!!!

Leo Has Very Well Described About Mother Earth’s Pain. Inspite of stressing on the point of Conservation, there are Zero Eyes, or Very Few People to dedicate to lend their hands for conservation. Excellent beautiful Write up Leo :) :) Fantastic Fabulous Write Up!!!!!!!!!!!

This Poem Also Says, How The Society Is Dealing With The Phrase conservation ????? Tomorrow is Independence Day & Lets All Join For The Slogan, Protect Mother Earth, & Lend complete Support To Preserve Conservation.

Mother Earth Should be Freed From All Her Pains & Sufferings :) :)

Very Happy To Read Such A Marvelous Post From Leo :) :) Leo, You Rock!!!!!!!!!!

PPS :- Last But  Not The Least, Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Loving Sister". I Wish To See Many More Compliments For Loving Sister Post :) :) 

"Wish You All A Very Happy 63rd Independence Day" 



  1. Wonderful poem for your country, excellently written and I had a wee tear in my eye,

    Happy Independance Day to you and all your country folk.


  2. Happy Independence Day to your beloved country Sahana... :)

    I could feel your love and loyalty to your birth land Sahana, but I guess you're not presently residing there, right? You're in the US I guess...nevertheless, wherever we are, we still should be patriotic to our country of origin!

  3. Happy Independence Day to you all.

  4. Lovely tribute for your beautiful country! Wonderfully written my friend. Happy Independence Day!!

  5. fragrance of freedom all over here :)

  6. Very well crafted... keep inking

  7. Very well crafted... keep inking


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