Monday, August 9, 2010

Parrot Tale!!!!!!!!!


I'm Multi-Colored Bird.
With A White Colored Beak
I Love Chillies, Guava Fruit
I Like To Imitate People's Voice. 

Being Such A Lovable Creature
I'm Caged :( All My Families Are Caged
I Want My Own Freedom. 
You Human Beings May Love Me,
Still I Like To Be A Free Bird.

My Thoughts, Imaginations
Actions Everything Are Caged. 
I Pray God To Give Me Freedom
Some or The Other Day,
Before I Leave This World Of Bad Human Beings!!!!!!!!!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Fairy Tale".


  1. Refreshing. You wrote from the view point of parrots. Enjoyable.

  2. Very nice one to read tonight. Thank you!

  3. Hi Sahana;

    First things first. Do you own the blog 'Nature Lover'? Coz I was thinking you own it, sounds like you's a beautiful blog like yours...:)

    So how are you?

    This poem is beautiful...:)

    Miss you!


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