Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fairy Tale :) :)

I Felt A Cool Breeze,
Heart Beat Spontaneously Increased
Mind Started Murmuring, 
Things Are Changing Its Place And You Better
Just Lock Yourself Inside.

I Curiously Peeped From Window Pane
Saw A Beautiful Fairy, 
Flattering Her Wings, Landed Near My Garden
I Worriedly Opened The Door And
She Gave A Pleasant Attractive Smile.

She Said, Dear I Am Mrs. Fairy
I Came To Wish You A Very Happy Friendship Week.
I Was Surprised To Hear Her Voice, 
Was Surprised To See Her Dressed As Fairy
Coz, She Is My Most Beloved Friend, "Kavya".

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, Cute Angel, My Sis :) :)

PPS :- Dearies, This Entire Week, I Share Different Sets of Friendship Poems & I Sincerely Dedicate To Few of My Most Beloved Friends. 



  1. Fantastic, this was pure magic.
    Loved the layout loved the poem.so pleasurable.


  2. My daughter would love this post. I have to show her. Thank you!

  3. amazing and lovely scenario portrayed :D Thank for sharing^^~


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