Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Special Heart!!!!

A Girl Named Shun Left Contacts Of All Her Friends As She Felt That, They Hate & Ignore Her. She Deleted All Their Contact Details. She Had A Friend Named, Sunny Who Was Very Friendly, Helpful. She Even Gave Up His Friendship. Stage By Stage She Tried To Forget Him. It Was A Toughest Job To Forget Him.

Few Months Passed & One Fine Day, Shun's Parents Had To Go To Their Native Immediately. But Shun Had Her College & Couldn't Take Leave. Her Parents Left Home In The Night & Told Her To Lock The Door & Not To Get Scared. 

She Was Scared of Dark But Had Kept Her Favorite God's Photograph In Her Hand & Slept. Next Morning, As Usual She Was On Her Way To College After Having Breakfast. On Her Way To College She Saw Sunny. Sunny Was Very Much Excited To See Her. Some Where or Other She Had Soft Corner For Him. So She Gave A Faded Smile For Sunny's Excited Smile. Sunny Enquired Why She Avoided & Ignored. 

She Said Sunny That, I Continuously Experienced Failure In Each & Every Step & Was Very Depressed. I Suffered A Lot & Felt That, Everyone Doesn't Even Bother. I Know About You Sunny. You Were My Most Best Friend. It Was A Very Toughest Task To Forget You. But, I Didn't Wanted To Spoil Anybody's Life or Career. I Even Had Suicidal Thoughts. But, My Inner Conscious Said, Suiciders Are Coward People & Committing Suicide Is Not Which I Really Wanted. I Didn't Wanted To Create Or Give Tensions or Troubles TO Anybody. But One Entire Night, I Thought Of All Ups & Downs. Many People Suffer From Many Failures & Gave Up Suicidal Thought. I Am Here To Fight For Justice, But Not To Accept Failures. 

Sunny Was Very Much Happy Listening To Her Ultimate Decision & Promised To Help Her In Whatever Manner He Can. He Invited Her To His Birthday. He Had Invited Other Friends. All Of Them, Went To Beach. Sunny Purposely Took Shun To Beach, To Wash off Her Pains, Tensions, Troubles To Some Extent. Both of Them, Holding Hand In Hand, Went Near The Waves & Washed Their Foot, Played With Waves. After Soo Long Period of Time, Everybody Saw Shun's Happiness.

Written For,
Thursday Tales. 


  1. I enjoyed the read , you always make your post so interesting.
    Thanks for sharing.


  2. sunny+shun=sunshun or sunshine.. :) nice combo for names.. but y was shun so depressed tat she had suicidal thoughts..hmmm..gals, too complex to understand i guess..

  3. nice and sweet tale dear..!!!

    Happy friendship day..!!


  4. lovely post.
    Glad to see you shine with love and kindness.

  5. I can relate this story to many people who move to their own world after considering themselves as failure. It's a kind of depression that make them do so. If given support, these people can get back to life in flying colors.


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