Wednesday, July 28, 2010


When Everything Turns Impossible
When The Road You Are Moving Seems Troubling
When The Streams You Chose Are  Unsatisfactory
When The Loans Are More Than The Funds
Look Up & Say, I Try My Level Best
And Rest Its Up To You Lord.

When Your Fellow Beings Pace Is Fast
When They Achieve In A Very Limited Period
Don't Think You Failed.

Even If Your Pace Is Slow
You Will Definitely Succeed Sooner Or Later

What Ever May Be The Situation
Head Up Is The Phrase To Build  Self-Confidence.

When The Darkness Surrounds You Even In The Day Time
Try To Spread A Huge Umbrella Of Success Lights
In The Night, Moon & Shining Stars Are Your Lights & 
During The Day Time, Sun Is Your Light.

Sun, Moon, Stars Are The Natural Mental Energy.
So Say To Yourself That, 
Everyday Whatever I Do, Will Surely Reward Me Success.
That Is How, One Builds Self-Confidence. 

PS :- Blog Friends, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Spiritual Post[Video] "Jai Janardhana".  

Posted A New Post In MY Newest Blog, Screams Of A Woman. Kindly Click Here


  1. Nice poem.. lovely. Check my blog here :)

  2. Wonderful and very uplifting poem.

    enjoyed the read.


  3. just like Vivekananda says arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached.. lovely words


    I am doing this to show my appreciations to your support.
    if you accept one or two and share, then that’s a great bliss,
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    Happy Sunday ahead!


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