Saturday, May 22, 2010

Flooding Awards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dearies, I Am Very Happy To Receive Award From Many Excellent Experienced Bloggers Cum Good Friends :)  :)

Received This From Hemanth !!!!!!!!!

Hemanth Shares Many Beautiful Touching Poems......Fictions.......He Himself Is A Birthday Calendar ;) His IQ Is Excellent At Birth Dates of His Friends :) :) Hey, Hemanth, I Know You Are Excellent In All Fields of Life. I Always See Your Blog Very Much Colorful....Not That, Your Template Is Good...Its Because, The Way You Celebrate & Express Your Love & Affection Towards Your Near & Dear One's In A Much Touching Manner. That's The Reason I Said, Your IQ Is Good At Birth Date of Your Friends. Thanks A Bunch For This Beautiful Rose :) :)

Dearies, Here Is The Link of Photoblog of Hemanth.......And Here, You Will Find Excellent Writings & Birthday Wishes To His Friends.

 Next Award Is From Jingle.....Its An Excellent Website Which Encourages Bloggers of Every Field. Jingle, Thanks A Bunch For This Award :) :)

Received I Love My Followers Award From Ayu.....Being Youngest of Us, She Is Excellent At Her Poems, Anime's, Fictions......She Is A Great Poet As Well As A Writer......Ayu, Thanks  A Lot Dear :) :) Dearies, Visit Her Blog & Encourage This Young Poet, Young Blogger :) :) Here Is The Link. Thanks A Bunch Ayu :) :)

Tom & Jerry Award & Many More From Amity :)  :)

Many of Us Know Amity Dear Very Well......She Is Excellent At All Types & Sorts of Poems.....There Are Many Ways of Poem To Learn From Her. She Has Passed Many Awards.....Here It Goes, 

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award;
2. Share seven things about yourself;
3. Pass the award to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic; and
4. Let them know about the award.

I Pass These 3 Awards To,  

Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All The Beautiful Encouraging Awards :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Lost Love"

PPS :- Wish You All A Very Happy Weekend :) :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations on all your awards
    Soooooooooooooo many :-)

    Thank you very much
    for give it to me !!
    For you :-)

    Successssss with your exams.. !!!

    Happy Weekend
    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :)

  3. awiwwwwwwwwwwwwweie :D
    thanku so much!!
    congrats for these awards!!
    and thankk you sooo muchh!!!!!

    you made my night :D :D

  4. Congratulations on all your awards.
    very well deserved.


  5. Thankiesssss
    Hope you doing fine!:-)
    Take care!!

  6. u r so very sweet.
    Thank you for posting and passing three to me!
    Happy Sunday!


    two more poetry awards.
    have fun!
    loved your blog and the bright spirit.

  8. Hey baby, you forgot to share seven things about you...:)

    Do it in your next post!

    Love you and missed you in my space...:) you've missed a lot now, do come after your exams!

  9. Congrats on all your deserving awards.

  10. Congratulations on all your awards dear friend! You are so sweet to think of me. Thank you so much!

  11. so sweet of u yaar :)..thanks for puttin up the award i gave u :)..and thanks for passing the awesome award to me ...congrats to all who received it to :).

    thanks for saying my IQ is good..i am still trying to remember birth days :)..still i miss some :(...thanks once again :)..


  12. These awards are beautiful! Thanks for sharing with other poets and bloggers.

    Seven things about me:
    1. My name is Tim.
    2. I am an (undead)poet.
    3. One of my blogs is:
    The Undead Poets Society
    5. I am @timkeetonwriter on Twitter.
    6. I am also @UndeadPoets on Twitter.
    7. I participate in the Thursday Poets' Rally.

    Rhyme on!

    Tim Keeton
    (Undead)Poet / Wizard / Teller-of-tales


Share your views,ideas, opinions too :D Thanks a Zillion For Visiting Poetry Blog :)