Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rays of Leaves :) :)

Me & My Friend Went To The Park. She Was Looking Very Sad. As If, She Has Lost Something Precious. I Asked Her, Whats Her Problem ??  Then She Narrated This Painful Incident.

Dear, I  Have Lost Hope. I Don't Want To Speak To Anybody. You Are My Best Childhood Friend. I Would Like To Share Only With You. But, I Don't Talk To Anybody. That's The Reason I Switched off My Cell. 

I Came With You To The Park To Share This Incident. I Loved A Person. He Was Very Handsome, Beautiful, Well Qualified. We Were Friends. As Days Passed, We Couldn't Continue In The Terms of Friendship & We Understood Ourselves That, We Love Each Other A Lot. 

He Had Told Me Very Clearly That, He Can't Marry Me. Because His Parents Would Not Give Permission For Love Marriages. But We Used To Go Out Every Weekend. Phone Calls Were Very Much Frequent. But, Now Unfortunately He Is Going To His Native. He Had Promised Me That, He Would Give Me His Changed Contact Number. But, He Hasn't Given, Nor He Is Replying To My Mails. I Know That, This Life Wouldn't Sustain More. I Don't Know, How To Come To Reality Terms. I Want To Come Back To Reality. But For Me, All Possible Paths Are Closed. 

Then, I Told Her Dear, See The Leaves Fallen From The Branches. They Are Stepped By Many Passer's By. Still, They Have Hope of Sustaining To Some Level. Life Is Not Permanent. Love Your Love As If, Today Is The Last Day of Love Life. 

 Then, Seeing Those Leaves, She Made Up Her Mind That, Knowingly/Unknowingly She Stepped On Thorns of Her Life. Now, Still She Has Some More Years Left With Her To Achieve Her Dreams & Wishes. The Rays of Park Lights, Were Falling On Those Leaves. Seeing Those Rays & Lights, She Clearly Came To The Terms of Reality That, Yes. I Have A Colorful, Beautiful Life Ahead. Will Face Many More Challenges To Win. Now, Her Goal Was To Take Up Many More  Challenges For Experiencing Better Life.

Written For Thursday Tales.

Image Courtesy. 

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Reality of A Dreamy Girl".


  1. Simply wonderful, enjoyed every word.

    Enjoy your week-end,

  2. Dear Sahana,
    Good Morning!
    Tell Her-It is easy to turn the page.He has made clear that he is unable to marry her.Let us appreciate him for that.He must have thought,this friendship will cause only emotional struggle.
    Dear,you could have chosen a better picture.
    Good Luck for your exam!

  3. Brave enough Sahana...:)

    Your story is inspiring, yes, at the end of the tunnel is a light of hope!

    Thanks and never give up as your story connotes!

    Live life as if it is your last day...:)

    Have a beautiful Sunday!



  4. i m glad for your friend... she has got a wonderful friend...

    ...and this too shall pass away

    i m dropping by after a very long gap..

  5. Lovely....well written...good to that she have a friend in you. In time the wound will heal.

  6. Wonderful written
    and succes with your exam :))))


    wish you win,
    give you a honorable mention award,
    plus participation award,
    thanks for the time!
    Happy Monday!

  8. The imagery is fantastic. I really enjoyed this very much.

  9. it was so very nice. really she has got a wonderful friend :)

  10. thanks for sharing
    coz i knw how does it feel to lose hope
    i am fighting my way back
    ur posted helped..

    and gud luck to uur frnd..

    p.s was jsut passingn by


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