Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hidden Kid's Happiness :) :)

Childish Girl's Face Glowing
Like Sun Rays, Clearly Showing Her 
Hidden Kid In Her Heart, Soul & Mind. 

Her Fragile Heart, Soul & Mind
Mixing With The Excited 
Blood Flow, Flowing With 
A Great Speed, Which She Could Feel
While Her Heart Says, I Love You & 
I'm Pumping Affectionate Blood & You
My Beloved Brain, Stop Recapping Those
Happenings, Which Had Broken My
Fragile Heart, Soul & Mind.

Just Mix With Excitement
Flowing Down The Spine
Thrilling My Veins & Nerves, When
I Saw That, My Blog Has Also Won
Poetry Award For The Month of March
From Jingle :) :)

Jingle, Thanks A Lot For Nominating My Blog As Well As For Award :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Rays of Leaves :) :)   

PPS :- Dearies, With All Your Constant Support, Encouragement, Motivation, Inspiration, I Could Connect & Stay With You All Through "World of Poetry".

Dearies, I Feel I Always Uplift World of Poetry. But, Let Me Share With You All How I Started Blogging ??

I Started With A Prose Blog. "Exhibiting Hidden Talents"  I Got An Opportunity, A Space, A Land To Share All My Feelings.

Because of Prose Blog, "Exhibiting Hidden Talents" I Started With Poetry Blog. I Am Not Regular At Prose Blog. But, From Now On I Would Be Regular At Prose Blog As Well. Prose Blog Is A Main Pillar For My Poetry Blog. Dearies, Do Visit My Prose Blog In Your Free Time :) :)

Well, Jingle Thanks A Bunch For The Award :) :)


  1. Lovely verse! I'm excited to visit you too on your prose blog :)

  2. congrats,dear!!
    wishing u all the best.awaiting more poems from you...

  3. Nice post Creativity. Take Care. :)

  4. Nice post (as always ;)
    You are agreat poet ....
    Wow11 prose blog
    I will go look there :))))))


  5. what a surprise,
    it looks cool in the post,
    enjoy a winsome Wednesday!

  6. Your world of poetry is where I aspire to live....
    I'm just a blog away, check this out;



  7. You are starting to be a good poetess Sahana!

    Nice young lady! Keep up, you have the gift!

    Hugs! ^.^


Share your views,ideas, opinions too :D Thanks a Zillion For Visiting Poetry Blog :)