Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Dearies, I Have Been Tagged By Yellow Tulip &  Madhu  :) 

RULES: Respond and rework – answer these questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own, and add one more question to the list. Then tag eight or ten other new set of people.

1. What is your current obsession? My Most Beloved Hobby, Blogging:)
 2. What are you wearing today? A Pink Salwar.
3. What’s for dinner? Chapathi’s With Lemon Pickle.
4. What’s the last thing you bought? Few Dresses.
5. What are you listening to right now? To My Most Favorite Song, Queen Of My Heart.
6. What do you think about the person who tagged you? Yellow Tulip & Madhu, Are My  Friends With Different Poetry Skills……Hey, Thanks A Lot Dearies, For Tagging Me :)
7. Which was the latest movie you saw and what was your review? Hey, Long Back…..Hmmmm…..My Last Movie Was Ghajini :) Many of Us Knows About This Movie.
8. What are your must-have pieces for summer? Cool-Cotton Dresses to wear...
9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? To Any Hill Station.
 10. Which language do you want to learn? French.....
11. What’s your favorite quote? “One Can Win The Whole World, But Cannot Win Family Members”.
12. Who do you want to meet right now? My Dad, Waiting For His Arrival From Office :)
 13. What is your favorite color? Baby Pink :)
14. What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? Hmm….Any Dress :) I Like All Dresses :)
15. What is your dream job? To Work As A Statutory Auditor.
6. What’s your favorite magazine? Any Magazine :)
17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? hmmm..I Would Have Invested In My Bank Account :) I Never Spend. Extremely Economical Person :)
18. What do you consider a fashion faux pas? Wearing Pleasant Good Looking Dresses, Which Can Suit Me :)
19. Who according to you is the most over-rated style icon?  Hey, I Don’t Know About This.
20. What kind of haircut do you prefer? Long Hair……
21. What are you going to do after this? Going To Have My Dinner With Mom & Dad :)
22. Who is your favorite sport star? Hey Don’t Yaar…..I Am Not Interested In Sports.
23. What are three cosmetic/makeup/perfume products that you can't live without? Hey, I Use Johnson Baby Powder & Moisturizer…..My Skin Is Very Sensitive. So No Make Up :)
24. What inspires you? Thoughts, Views, Opinions, Quotations..:)
25. Give us three styling tips that always work for you: Smile….Smile….Always Smile…..Good For Health :)
26. What do you do when you “have nothing to wear” (even though your closet’s packed)? My Sister’s Dresses…..
27. Would you prefer coffee or tea? Ginger Tea :)
28. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed? Meditation, Reikhi, Pranayam :)
29. What is the meaning of your name? Patience :)
30. Which other blogs do you love visiting? There Are Many In The List..I love Exploring Them..:)
31. Favorite Dessert/Sweet?  Ice-Creams, Chocolates :) :)
32. Favorite Season? Winter...
33. If I come to your house now, what would u cook for me? Whatever You Like…Hey, Only VEG ;)
34. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you? Ignore Them…..Don’t Answer Them :)
35. What are you afraid of the most? I’m Dare Devil ;)
36. What do you love most about yourself? I'm A Simple Girl..:)
37. What's that one thing you want to remove from this world? Racial Discrimination............

Ps :- Hey, Thanks A Lot Girls For Tagging Me :) :) I Tag Pramoda Meduri, Pallav, Snow White, Krazzy Kitten, Gauri Mathur, Pankhuri, Deepika Gupta, Angel Rev :) Hey, Even Others Can Take  This Tag :) :) I Really Extremely Enjoyed This :) :) Its Very Interesting :) :)


  1. This is great! I love your style tip to smile :) French was my best subject in school. It's a wonderful language to learn. I used to have long hair, but it's getting shorter as I get older. This is a fun way to get to know you!!

  2. hi sahana,
    firstly thanks a lot for tagging me :)
    Hey your post is really nice :) got to know more about you :)keep going dear :)

  3. heyy..nicely done dear..:) gud to kno u..!!
    jus wanna tell u dat plss follow my blo again nd do add in yr blogger's list also, the link is
    earlier there was some problem,so have used diff bloggerspace..plss do so..!!!

  4. tag beautiful done :)...u like winter ..my name means winter :)...i to like winter snow ...beautiful isnt it :)..


  5. ohh that third one is a new combination for me ...
    quite truthful thru lines ...


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