Monday, October 19, 2009

Bali Padyami :) :)

Cow Is Considered To be Sacred
Crores And Crores Of Gods & Goddesses Are Present

Our Morning Routine Starts With Cow Milk
Villagers' Use Cowdung To Clean The Floor
Saying, It Contains Medicinal Value.

Today, On The Day Of Bali Padyami,
My Mom Wanted Cow Dung,
To Build Bali Chakravarthi Palace.

I Went To A Cow Shed,
Asked To Give Me Cowdung.
She Charged Rs. 20/- For 10 Spoons Of Cow Dung.

Nowadays, Cowdung Business Is Over Flowing
Specially, On The Day Of Bali Padyami :)
PS :- Dearies, In South, People Worship Bali Padyami. This Court Is Made To Kill And Protect Us From Evil Spirits. Its Believed That, Because Of Building This Court & Keeping Bali's Soldiers' In Each Corner Of The House, Evil Spirits Will Go Away.This Court Was Made By My Mom. Pictures Were Taken By Me :) :)

To Know The Story Of Bali Chakravarthi, Click Here.


  1. hey thats so great we north indian too need cow dung for puja....

    Govardhan puja... :)

  2. Dear Sahana,
    HAPPY DIWALI!really an informative is the last day of DIWALI,the fifth day!sahana.what is the meaning of Padyami?
    and that was really nice to remind about the uses of know what,in my ancestoral house,we used to apply cowdung in the kitchen where the food was cooked.and during harvest season the large compound was pasted with cowdung.for ONAM we put pookalam on the sand covered with cowdung.
    and sahana,i love to sit on the floor of kutchha houses where the flooring is covered with cowdung.they drive away insects and make the floor cool.
    And today is BHAU BEEJ, a day to strengthen the relationship between brother n sister.sibling disputes take a back seat or even resolved.:)
    Dear,convey my congrats to Amma n to u for cute shots!
    have a great day ahead!be in high spirits as usual.:)

  3. A very informative poem Sahana :)

    Happy Diwali to you too!! :)

  4. heyy..rlly informative..thnx 4 sharing all this info..wasn't aware of such thing..:)

  5. hi dear,
    its really informative..nice pictures sahana :)happy diwali to you too :)

  6. I learn so much about your culture from you. Hope you have a brilliant day!!!

  7. hi sahana,

    nice pics and soo good exploration abt cultural values..:)

    Good going gal..

  8. Pallav :- Hi, Thanks A Zillion...Ahh..ya Correct, North Indian's Do Govardhan Puja :) :)

  9. Anupama :- Padyami Comes In Hindu Calender[kannadiga's calender] so, sterday was Padyami & on the day of Padyami, Bali Chakravarthi Was Tested By Vamana[Vishnu Avatar] and Vishnu Wanted To Teach Bali, Since, He wanted to go for war against Indra illegally.....Dear, for story, refer to the link I have given....its very interesting story :) :)

  10. Snow White :- Thanks A Lot Dear :) :)

  11. Pramoda :- Thanks A Lot Dear :) :)


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