Friday, October 2, 2009

Salutation To Father Of Nation :) :)

Common Man Turned Into
Uncommon Man & Became Pride To India :)

He Fought With Tough Situations
With The Principles Of Truth & Non-Violence :)

He Taught Us With The Lessons Of
Truth, Non-Violence & To Lead Our Life In
A Most Simple Way :) :)

He Was So Simple, But
Yet Complicated By Handling The Whole Nation :)

He Is Famously Called As "FATHER OF NATION"

Today Is Special & Great Day For Our Nation,
Lets All Join Together & Celebrate Birthday Of Bapu[Father].

Ps :- Dearies, Today Is The Birthday Of Mahatma Gandhiji :) We All Are Very Proud Of Common Man, Who Turned To Be The Pride Of Our Nation :) Jai Hind :) Jai Bharat Matha :D :)

PPS :- Dearies, Thanks A Zillion For All Your Sweet Cherishable Memorable Compliments To My Previous Post "Achievement Of A Little Girl". Will Come Up With The Next Part Of It Within A Day Or Two :)


  1. I feel honoured to be the first person to comment on your beautiful salutation to our father of Nation :-)

    In the very first two lines you've captured His Greatness :D Very admirable!

    Happy Gandhi jayanthi!!

  2. Nice dedication dear on a very great day :)its really nice :) happy gandhi jayanthi from my side too :)

  3. A true day to honor a wonderful gift to humanity!

  4. A wonderful dedication. most interesting to read.


  5. Hey Sahana,

    Lovely tribute to the father of the nation..thanks for this post dear,,:)

    yaa waiting for u rnext part of the previous post ..:)

  6. how can i call u when ur phone always off!!

  7. Ohh btw I hate Mahatma Gandhi! Just because of one reason... The Italian Gandhi is taking advantage of him now and we INDIANS are fools! As if Only Mahatma won us our freedom.. as if only mahatma belongs to Congress! You youngsters at least change your thought process and think independently!!!

  8. beautiful dedication indeed:)...loved it dear


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