Thursday, October 1, 2009

Achievement Of A Little Girl :) :)

A Little Girl,
Who Had No Idea About One's Life.....

Her Mom Trained Her
To Stand On Her Own Foot
And Serve The Nation, Her Family,
As A Future Mother, Daughter, Sister,
Sister-In-law, So On Goes With The
Matter Of Relations.

Dad, Held Her Hand,
Took Her To Many Historical Places,
Sight Seeing Spots, Many More....

The Day She Completed Her Schooling,
College, Her Parents Are So Proud Of Her,
Patting On Her Back, Proudly Said,
YOU Are The Right Daughter For Us :D

She Joined In Good Reputed Company,
Deposited Her Earnings, Helped Her Parents Financially :)

But, Her Parents Deposited Her Earnings,
In A Fixed Deposit Account, Not Even Using A Penny :)

A Day Came, When She Had To Marry A Guy
Selected By Her Parents, Approved By Her,
After The Procedure Of Matching With The Horoscopes,
Elders' Talk...So & So Forth.
Well, She Married, And
Within 5days, She Flew To Other Country
With Her Fiancee :D

There, She Applied For MS
Studied, Worked Hard,
Secured 1st Rank For Her Respective University,
Also She Was Awarded With Gold Medal,
Finally She Got Designation As "RESEARCH SCIENTIST".

Parents Couldn't Control Their Happy Tears,
Waited Day & Night To See Her,
See Her As A Daughter, See Her As A Wife,
See Her As A Scientist, See Her As A Mother,
See Her As A Sister, See Her In Many Different Roles :D :)

She Had Planned TO Visit In A Very Short Period,
But, Many Universities Invited Her As A Chief Guest
And To Deliver Her Lecture Regarding Her Subject,
Her Profession, To Give Few Guidelines,
To The Students, Who Are Aspiring To Become Like Her :D

But, Parents Gave Her Surprise Visit
She Was Sooo Glad That, Her Parents Are With Her,
Her Parents Will See, Her Awards, Sitting On The
Very First Row Of Auditorium :D

She Got Opportunity To Speak, Share About Her

Feelings Towards The Award :)

First Word Uttered By Her Was
This Award Is For You Both...
Because Of Your Encouragement, Motivation,
Inspiration, Since You Both Helped Me, Supported Me
In All Ups & Downs, I Could Work Hard, & Win This Award :)

Her Fiancee Was Also Speechless

About Her Achievements, In A Very Short Period :)

Long Back, She Had Also Completed Her Masters In Sanskrit,
By Taking Up Private Exams, She Was Taking Sanskrit Classes,
Even, Now, Continuing With Sanskrit Teaching,
As Sanskrit Is Her Most Interesting, Favorite Language :)

PS :- Dearies, This Is The Real Story Of A Girl Who Recently Got Designation Of "RESEARCH SCIENTIST".
Her Identity, Name Of University Cannot Be Disclosed :) I Am Extremely Happy & Proud Of This Girl :) :D

I Will Take Up Next Part Of It Tomorrow. I Want To Share With You All, Since Her Achievements Are The Way For My Inspiration :) :) This Is Not A Self-Appraisal Post :D Just An Inspirational Post :D

PPS :- Thanks A Zillion To All Your Sweet Cherishable Compliments To My Previous Post :D :)

Manivannan, U Suggested Me A Title "Emotional Volcano" :D Will Share About This Emotional Volcano IN Another Form Of Poetry :D Thanks A Zillion For This Title, My Mind Has Already Searched For Another Form Of Poetry :) :)


  1. hey...Thanks alott for this inspirational one..indeed parents' support can keep children on the heights..Congratulations to her and to her parents and to her fiancee..

    Thanks to u again..waiting for the next part,,:)

  2. Dear Sahana,
    congrats for the inspirational post,encouraging readers to dream high n achieve the goals.
    kudos to the heroine,the proud daughter n wife!:)remarkable achievement n the precious moments will be cherished forever!
    keep writing!have a nice day!

  3. Hey! I found the poem, very gripping and interesting! Excellently written sahana :-)

    Am happy to know about the person who has inspired you. My best wishes for you both.

    Take care!

  4. excellent, very interesting poem, could relate to it.. being a daughter,wife,mum. A woman fulfills so many roles in life. trully inspirational post.

  5. Very insprirational, love the read.


  6. its really inspiring friend :)thanks for a nice inspiring post :)

  7. So inspirational! A superb achievement :)

  8. I will just say this. Sahana... Pls be clear in your thoughts.. not only when you plan your life!! but also when you write...or think... or dream....and most importanly when you dream... because that puts you on your path to yr real goal.

    Think in small bits, clearly.. this post of yours show you are all the external influences

  9. If u blv I am ur well wisher... then you will not mind my teaching...


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