Friday, June 26, 2009

Feelings of True Best Friends :D

Our Friendship Is An Ocean,
Stretching, Far And Wide
Never Ending,
Filled With Sweet Memories,
That Last A Lifetime :)

You Always Understand,
My Hidden Talks, By Starring At Me.
But Never Question Me,
About My Hidden Talks :)

You Always Be With Me,
When I Need You The Most :D

When I Need,
A Shoulder To Cry On, and Lean On
For a Pleasant Sleep,
Yours Will Always Be Waiting.

When I Need
To Talk To You,
You Are Free For 365Days,52Weeks,12Months
Just Listening To What I Say :D

When I Need,
Someone To Console Me
Through A Warm Sweet Hug,
Your Arms Are,
Doors Wide Open To Me :)

Our Friendship Is
Just like The Stars,
Both Go Beyond
Our Reach.

We Share All of The Giggles
From Left Ear to Right Ear :)

Let The Salty Taste of Tears
Run Down Our Cheeks :)

All the Laughs,
The Smiles,
The Hugs,
The Inside Jokes,
The Hours Online,
The Marathon Phone Calls

Just Because,

God Sent You To,
Take Care of Me,

Just Because,
You Are Mine.

Your Soul Is Extremely So Pure
That, There Is,
No Place For Sadness
A Place Only For Happiness :D


  1. Your poetry knows how to make me feel good about all the love in this world. You are an amazing friend!!

  2. u knw i m sometime ..
    i dnt have words....

    to say anythng



  3. A wonderful friendship poem, a pleasure to read.



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