Sunday, June 28, 2009

Confused Mind :(

A Tensed Mind
Restless Mind
Unbalanced Heart
Depressed Feeling

A Day full of Tiredness
A Day full of Tears
A Day fully Lost
In Some Unknown World :(

A Precious Diamond Opportunity
Coming Through The Way,
Time To Utilise & Achieve
A Last Year of Graduation :)

Last Year of Student life
Wish to Pursue With Higher Studies
Wish To Take up Job
Then, Pursue with Studies :)

A Confused Mind,
A Confused Heart
A Confused Soul
I Am Totally, In Confused State :(

Ohh God!! Help To Take Up
A Firm Decision :)
To Make Up My Mind Strong
To Confirm To Myself
My Heart,
My Soul,
That, I Take Up Job &
Then Pursue With Higher Studies :D

So Many Folks,
Keep On Asking,
What You Do After Graduation ??
When I Myself, Lost In Confused State :(

Oh God!! Pls Do Help Me
Separate Me From All Those Folks
Who Keep On Digging Ample of Q's
Drilling My Head, Heart,Soul & Mind :)

Ps :- My Dear friends, I am extremely in confused state & henceforth poem is also confused :(


  1. I very often get days like that, though I am a positive person I have to make some life changing decision......and quick yet it seems the days past so quickly and I am no nearer knowing what I am going to do.
    I loved your poem, couldn't have put the situation better myself.


  2. Yvonne :- S, True :D I agree with u :D Thanks a Lot :D

  3. I hope you get through this confusing time. I now it is difficult, but you have such a beautiful, creative spirit, I know that all the answers will come.

  4. Confused
    dnt woryy just take a deep breath n pray...

    It will help u

    Cheers :D



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