Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blessed Indeed!!!!!!!

It Was Such A Blessed Day, 
A Day Which They Couldn't Forget
A Day Which Gave Them A New Life
A Day Which Promised To Cage Them
Forever With, Bright Future, 
Which Would Be A Ever Memorable Life!!!!!!!

Finally After, Stepping On The Path of Stones, Thorns, Facing Oceanic Hurdles, Obstacles, Their, Wishes Were Fulfilled. Dreams Came True. After Many Long Years of Burning Tears, Struggle, Happiness Embraced Them. Couldn't See Each Other's Face As Lens of Their Eyes Was Totally Drenched In Tears. They Believed It To Be A Total Miracle!!!!!!!!!!  

Their Near & Dear One's
Were Overwhelmed With Happiness
They Proved Their Love And 
 Lived As A Live Example
Accepting Problems As Opportunities.
 Their Loved One's 
Made A Portrait of Them 
Forever In Depth of Their Hearts
As Their Souls Reached To The One
Who Blessed Them With, 
Miracles Residing In Heaven!!!!!

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