Friday, June 3, 2011

Wake Up.....Wake Up!!!!!!!

Wake Up Wake Up
Its Already 6' 0Clock 
We All Are Wide Awake
Enjoyed The Sunrise. 

Cuckoo Cuckoo
I'm Here....I'm Your Alarm
I Came To Wish You A Very Melodious Good Morning! 

Cawww Cawww....Here, I'm
Here Is Our Family, Caaawwww..Caaww....
Common, Open Your Eyes.....Good Morning! 

Meow Meoww....
Booww Bowww.......We Are Here
Lets Start Dog Cat Fight! 

Newspaper Is On Its Way
Said My Pigeon 
Dog Said, Milkman Has Already Delivered The Milk
I'm Hungry.....We All Are Hungry.....Common Wake Up....Wake Up Young Girl! 


  1. oh, this is absolutely lovely! and fun!

    you must love the mornings as much as I.

    you should enter this one at
    It will fit perfectly with the Sun theme.

    have a wonderful day!

  2. This is truly beautiful post, enjoyed it!
    Well done!

    Short Poems

  3. Ha ha.You have captured very ably the spirit of an early morning.
    Nice lines,I enjoyed them


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