Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunny Days....

 Too Hot
Unbearable Heat
Wish To Always Stay
In Cold Water And,
Relish Ice-Creams, 
Fruit Juices!! 

Fed Up of Vitamin D
Coz, Its Causing Sunburns, 
Sun Strokes, Rashes, 
Burning Eyes, Dry Nostrils......

I Feel Pity For Animals, 
Birds, Insects, Ants of How They Live ?
Where Do They Get Water ? 
Who Shall Feed Them ?

Dear God, Help 
Those Poor Animals, 
Birds, Ants, Insects....
Feed Them Water, 
Quench Their Thirst
Give Us Cold Chill Breeze,
Instead of Hot Breeze.

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "Loss".



  1. Lovely subject and a lovely poem,

    Have a good day,


  2. Lovely written Sahana ....
    Perfect spring or summer poem :-)

  3. perfect picture for the post, sun is scorching here too.. but truely we never think of the less fortunate creatures who have to run for a cover..what with all the trees losing their moisture and becoming mere twigs.. bangarpet was far better..lovely post.

  4. I pray with you, dear friend. love how you expressed your thoughts on this. I hope you will find relief from the heat very soon.
    take care!

  5. I pray with you, dear friend. love how you expressed your thoughts on this. I hope you will find relief from the heat very soon.
    take care!

  6. Nice post. Thanks for visiting "My cup of Happiness is full"


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