Monday, March 7, 2011

Random Thought!

Thoughts Keep Overflowing
Mind Keeps Moving Everywhere
Sometimes Think On 
Unwanted Issues
Without Any Break.

I Tried Penning Down
On A Sheet of Paper
But of No Use....
Finally, My Sub Conscious Mind
Said, Why Not On Blog ??

But, My Reply Was
Sometimes I Write Good Poems
or The Articles, But Sometimes
I Fail Writing, Because,
Once Again I'll Be Blank,
Thinking What To Write ?? 


  1. oh, us creative people! I hear you!

    I find that blogging in some ways helps me with the continuous flow of writing but doesn't always help with the continuous flow of a creating a good piece. So perhaps our expectations of ourselves and our abilities are too high sometimes.

    Just keep writing as often as you feel you should and don't expect too much from yourself. I like the communication that the blogging promotes so writing anything is worth it too.

    take care, my friend!

    love the quote!

  2. Most enjoyable to read,
    I find writing down things in poetry form therapy but have to be in the mood.

    Take care.


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