Saturday, March 12, 2011

LOST In Thoughts!!

Lost Somewhere
Somewhere In Dense Thoughts, 
Thoughts of Childhood Days
Days, Which Doesn't Come Back.

Though Can't Get 
Back Those Days, 
Can Atleast Remember 
And Cherish.....The More I Cherish,
The Most I Terribly Miss Those Days
And Get Lost In Dense Thoughts!! 

Should I Stop Cherishing ?
Or Should I Control Limits of Cherishing ??
Or Should I Completely Stop Remembering
Those Happy, Innocent, Funny, Jolly Days!! 

What Can This State of Mind Be Called As ??
Can This Be Called As Confused State Or
The Lost Mind Or The One Who Is Completely
Lost In Dense Thoughts Or The One Who Doesn't
Stop Thinking Or Remembering Ever & Never!!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments And Wishes For The Previous Post, "Happy Women's Day".


  1. Very nice.I liked it. We all suffer from this and perhgaps enjoy losing ourselves in thoughts

  2. Hi Sahana,

    veryy nice.. so, come back soon..haa?.:) hehe.. kidding.. keep it up..well written..

  3. this is beautiful! we do get lost in thought sometimes but maybe because we are creative we get lost more often. If you have pleasant memories I say 'don't forget them'

    take care

  4. some memories are always beautiful..if not all

  5. nice one.. just yesterday I was thinking.. beautiful memories always are a blessing..and memories which haunt .. blessed are those who can forget them quickly and completely.

  6. beautiful words. I miss miss my childhood too very much.



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