Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Childhood Memories.

Those Were The Days,
Days Which Were Beautiful, 
Beautiful Just Like Sun Rays
Embracing Us, When Playing
With Our Fellow mates.

No Worries, No Thoughts, 
Just Enjoying Happiness 
All Round The Clock
Running And Hiding From Mom 
When She Used To Feed Food. 

A Very Good Sound Sleep
Without Any Tensions or Worries
Drinking A Glass of Milk, Going 
Out TO Play With Friends. 

Used To Play Many Games
But Now, I Hardly Find Kids
On The Ground, As They Are
Busy With Their Homework, 
Projects, Assignments, Exams!!

Conducting Interviews Even For
Kindergarden Kids, A Very Limited 
Enjoyment, No Time For Them To
Experience The Essence of  Their Childhood!!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "Nature". 


  1. Yes as children problems don't seem to be around, can't remember rainy days on the sunny ones.

    Wonderful poem so enjoyable to read.


  2. Yes as children problems don't seem to be around, can't remember rainy days on the sunny ones.

    Wonderful poem so enjoyable to read.


  3. A treat to read. Your poetry continues to move along beautifully. Thank you!

  4. I wish I was a child :-)

    I will NEVER forget my childhood memories !!!

    Love your POEM Sahana

  5. children tend to 'be' in the moment. As adults we now strive to 'be' again.

    you are right when you say the kids of today are busy not being kids.

    wonderful write! enjoyed it very much

  6. A nice poem.True the times hv sadly changed depriving the kids the joys of childhood

  7. just thought I'd let you know that I really appreciate your blog and that I have an award to give to you over at my place

    have a wonderful day!

  8. I liked your poem and the thought behind it.

  9. cute..
    well done.

    wishing you the best.
    share one piece with us today, make more friends...

    bless you.

  10. true.. you know how much they are addicted to cartoons?
    very difficult to pull them out..
    nice poem..

  11. that period of life is always part of sweet memories...
    how time flies...

  12. Sweet memories. Wish could go back to those good old days.


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