Friday, December 10, 2010

Road Map of A Life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There Is A Hidden
Potential, Ability 
In Each Individual
So Never Self Under-Estimate.

Think What Is Needed
What Interests You
Make It A Dream
And Chase The Dream.

But, Never Let Go
Your Strength,Ability,
Rather, Possess And Lock
The Strength, Courage 
Chase Behind What Is Most Needed.

Have A Deep Vision 
To See Your Real Talents,
Inherent Abilities, Skills
And Continue Your Road Map
With Self Trust, Belief & Faith.

Its Already Decided
About The Destination of
Each Individuals Life
By Our Almighty.
So, For Whatever You Lose
Say Happily, I Would Get The Best 
And I Would Keep Trying. 

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post,
"H Square".


  1. this is what I believe
    beautifully written!
    thank you

  2. Take each step with the destination in mind!

  3. hello Ms. Creativity

    I am here to just say you "Thank you"

    you have always been there at my Land of dreams and you dont know how much I love that. But everytime i see your comment i feel guilty dat i never read so sorry..!!

    but dear keep coming as my Land of Dreams adores you so much..!!

    thank you once again

    yamini meduri

  4. Wonderful.
    Excellently written.

    Have a good week-end.

  5. yes...
    thats why we are human beings

  6. Finding that deep vision is essential...


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