Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bicycle And A Life!!!!!!!!

A Bicycle Has 
Two Wheels
But, Our Life Has,
Enormous Wheels!!

Cycling Is The
Physical Peddling. 
But Life Cycles
By The Peddles of
Troubles, Sorrows,
Happiness, Anger 
And, What Not ??

I Normally Self Understand,
Life Is A Slide
But, Its A Cycle More 
Than A Slide.
Don't You Think ???????

Physical Fitness
Helps To Peddle Fast
But, Mental Fitness
Help To Keep 
Self Determined 
With A Strong Heart, 
Though Meeting A Failure. 

Do Not Slow Down
The Bicycle, When 
Criticisms Or Backbiting Increase
Rather, Peddle Fast To
Burn Those Feelings And 
To Get Self Motivated. 

There Would Be A Criticism
Instead of Appreciation.
There Would Be A Competition
But Not A Comparison. 

Be Confident
But Not Over Confident
Be Strong
But, Never Loose Hope.

Follow This Famous Quote, :-  "Hope For The Best And Be Prepared For The Worst".  

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks  A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Beauty And Effectiveness of The Nature".


  1. Great advice in this verse! Thanks :)

  2. I really loved the words of this poem also the qoute at the end.
    Such a pleasure to read.


  3. this a wonderful piece of reflection and awesome advice! I can't agree with you more about life being more of a cycle than a slide but experiencing the slide is certainly part of it as long as you get back on the cycle and keep moving, fast or slow.

    Make your life go in the direction to which you want it to go.

    great post!

    thank you

  4. this a wonderful piece of reflection and awesome advice! I can't agree with you more about life being more of a cycle than a slide but experiencing the slide is certainly part of it as long as you get back on the cycle and keep moving, fast or slow.

    Make your life go in the direction to which you want it to go.

    great post!

    thank you

  5. it s apt at the time :D
    petrol price already up... and diesel price hike is on the card


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