Saturday, November 6, 2010

Good Night !!!!!!!

Looking At The Sky 
Sending Good Night
Messages Through The
Beautiful Blinking Stars.

Dreams Are
Hidden In The Heart,
Plans Are Hidden 
In The Mind,
Special Gift Is Wrapped
With Special Heart.

Moon Is The Secret
Diary of Secret Hearts.
Blinking Of Stars
Are Very Special Stars
For The Special Hearts.

Each Night Is Silent
Sending Our Mind & Hearts 
Conversation Through
Cold Pleasant Breeze.

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot  For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Wish You  All A Very Happy Diwali :) :)


  1. An interesting poem as always :)
    I tagged you on my blog :) Do take it up if you wish :) :) :) hope u had a happy diwali!!

  2. warm words for a good night's rest.


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