Tuesday, October 5, 2010


You Know What I Need The Most
You Know What I Expect The Most
You Know What I Want The Most
You Know What I Mean When I  Say, "NEW".

When The Clock Ticks,
When The Cold Breeze Hits My Window Pane
When The Cuckoo Starts Its Melody
I Wish To Go Down The Street
And Breath The Fresh Air Standing At The Peak 
of The Hill, Which Is Closer By!!!!!!

Dark Atmosphere, Cuckoos Everywhere
Abundant of Birds Flying Here & There
Sucking Nectar, Feeding Its Babies
I Just Love To Stand And Watch At The Lovely Nature.

In Such A Cold Breeze
With A Red Scarf, Red Sweater, 
Dressed Up In Woolen Clothing..Wish To Listen
To The Melody of Birds, Floral Fragrance
The Beautiful Sunrise......Its Sooo Awesome
Which Cannot Be Described In Words!!!!!!

Now, You Know What I Need The Most
You Know What I Expect The Most
You Know What I Want The Most. 
So, You Know What I Mean When I Say "NEW".

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "ANSWER".


  1. Wonderful write and I know what you mean by NEW,


  2. Very beautifully written.I enjoyed reading it

  3. Wishing you many NEW and beautiful opportunities to create and explore.

  4. good!nice writings.

    come to my space to know something more beautiful 'The Truth'

  5. The theme 4 our Monday poetry potluck this week is 7 sins…if you could write a poem related to our theme, link to our potluck, that’s would be a bliss to us, you could simply link in a random poem to share, the pleasure is all yours.
    check out us at http://jinglepoetry.blogspot.com/,
    our potluck is open Sunday 8pm to Wednesday, 8am.
    Hope to see you in our team this week.


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