Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Fairy!!!!!!!!!!

I Looked Up At The Sky 
And Something Caught My Eye
A Tiny Bright Light
Oh! What A Sight!

I Wished It Came Close By
It Didn't, I Wondered Why!
I Called Out To It
But There Was No Reply.

Then, Suddenly It Came Fluttering By
Now, It Was Not So High
Down It Came And Made Me Merry
And Then I Knew, It Was A Fairy!

PS :- Dear Bloggers, This Fairy Poem Is Written By My Youngest Sister. She Is Just 8Years Old. She Wrote For A School Magazine. Her Words Mesmerized Me & Wished To Share Here With You All :) :) She Is An Excellent Fantastic Fabulous Poetess :) :) 

PPS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For The Previous Post, "Bird's Nature".


  1. Wow! What a poetess. Sound like it runs in the family. Great job!

  2. oh my goodness! she truly is a brilliant poetess! At such a young age. Wonderful! Good thing she has her big sister to encourage her. And maybe vise versa.

    the poem was very well written. I loved it!

    thank you for sharing

  3. WOW!!Great poem by the little fairy herself!! In addition to being a poetess, she has a great liking for pizzas!!
    Well done fairy!! keep it up!


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