Sunday, October 24, 2010

Beauty of The Night !!!!!!!!!!!

The Dark Night
The Black Beauty
Center of Attraction
The Moon, The Stars.

White Beauty
The Moon
Silent Whisper 
of Dreams. 

Birds Resting
In Its Nests
Built On 
The Trees.

Bright Stars
Inspire Those
Who Are
Mentally Facing 
Dark Nights.

Night Is Silent
But, It Speaks 
Many Matters.
It Reveals 
Many Happenings

Each Heart Shares 
His/Her Experiences
With The Concerned
Caring Heart.

Strong Wind
Flies Everywhere
Takes Care of Every Soul
Aware Every Soul
Saying, Wind Is Awake
And God's Nature 
Is Too Powerful
And No Need 
To Be Scared!!!!!!!

The Owls
Only Security Guards 
During Nights
Sounds Now & Then
To Confirm 
There Are Many 
Natural Tools
To Take Care 
of Human beings
When We Are 
Fast Asleep :) :)

Natural Tools Are
The Moon, Stars, Owls,
Wind And The Silence :) :)

PS :- Dear Bloggers, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Limerick".


  1. insightful and delightful!

    silence does speak many matters and happenings to us.

    interesting what you say about the strong winds. There were strong winds present the morning my mother passed on.

    thank you
    enjoyed reading your poem very much

    take care

  2. thanks for dropping by my blog today and leaving comment. Happy that you enjoyed my poem


  3. i loved this poem :) one of the nicest you've written :D


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